Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Pepper Salt Peel of 1 lemon ...

Cut a few incisions in the fat edge on the 4 slices of veal shank. Heat the oil in a sauté pan or in a pan, Brown the meat on both of it is golden. Season with salt and pepper. Add the tomato and white wine pureen, turn down the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion and cut the other vegetables into fine pieces (slices or cubes). Inserts cracks in the exterior of the osso buco pieces, such that they are not bows, when it is browned. Season osso bucoen with salt and pepper Brown the meat for excessive hea

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Cut a few cut in the outer tendons in each kødskive, as dents de not. Season the slices with salt and pepper. Chop the onion and garlic. Peel the carrots. Cleanse the pores and share them in 6 cm long sticks. Slice the carrots into 4 cm long pieces. Heat th

Mains A ca. 2 liter form Neutral oil Pepper ...

*) One rygfilet, one Tenderloin and all legs and tendons are saved to the game-soup/vildtfricassé. Alternatively, the flesh will be listed into the tureen or used for an entirely different right. Boil three walnuts up in cold water. Pour the water off. Cut

Mains Potatoes Nutmeg Pepper ...

Com calves lårtungen in boiling water in a saucepan. The water to just barely cover the meat. Boil up and foams away impurities with a ladle. Now add the spices. Reduce the heat and let the meat simmer until tender, about 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and let

Mains A little salt Onion Lemon ...

Boil lårtungen in water with peppercorns, Bay leaves and salt approx. 50 min. cool down and save a little veal meat soup to tunsaucen. In a blender be complied with tuna, anchovies, capers, onion, eggs, mustard, blend and add the oil slowly, eventually calv

Mains Salt Dried Marjoram Oregano, dried ...

Chili paste: Deck the udkernede and chopped chilies with hot water and soak them for 30 min. Si them and save water. Cue the Chili's, also powder in a mortar, with a touch of udbløningsvandet, to a paste. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onio

Mains Goft rye bread Minced chives and parsley Cooked ham, diced ...

Beef cut into cubes-1 1/2 cm. And blanched quickly in plenty of boiling water, rinse clean of impurities and be in water that just covers the meat, along with the onion and Spice bag. The meat is cooked almost tender, then added cubes of raw potatoes on top