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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Salt Lamb breast Mealy potatoes ...

The ribs are shared in 1 or 2 legs. Potatoes and onions cut into cubes, carrots cut into slices. Meat and vegetables be layered in a thick-bottomed pan along with salt, peppercorns and Bay leaves. The broth is poured in. Småkoger under lid approx. 1 1/2

Mains Minced parsley Chopped thyme Olive oil ...

Getting all the ingredients except the pasta in a pan. A little water came in, so it just covers. Let it simmer for 30 minutes or longer. Cook the pasta and turn it into ragouten. Serve with parmesan, a little olive oil and parsley. Tips: Have you no r

Mains Pork Carrots Half-onion ...

The brine is made of 160 g. salt to 1 l. water. Com water in saucepan, dissolve the salt. Add some half onion, little carrots, little peppercorns, Bay leaves and cloves. Cook it up and cool it off. When the brine is cold, the meat down and stand overnight.

Mains Vinegar Carrots Onion ...

In a large pan met fish, salt, peppercorns, vinegar, sliced carrot, sliced onion, bay leaf and water to cover the fish. Let it boil up, volume down, and let the fish simmer in sheeting ca. 15 minutes. Take the Pan from the fire, and let it soak into the Pan, w

Soups Pepper Salt Bay leaves ...

Heat the oil in a pan. Add carrots, onion and celery, all finely chopped, they pressed garlic and bay leaf. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes, covered. When the vegetables are softened, add the tomatoes in both as well as the sun-dried tomatoes into strips. Le

Mains Peppercorns, white Leaf celery Bay leaves ...

Do the fish and place it in a baking dish. 'S all root vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Mix all ingredients to boil brine and let it simmer for 15 minutes. SI lagen and got the carved root vegetables in and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour it all

Appetizers Eggs Dill Fresh lime both ...

Tube mayonaise and sour cream together. Season with tomato concentrate, pepper and lime juice. Cut the tomatoes into fine cubes, rinse and chop/pressure white buds. 'S the Chili's of cores and chop them finely. Stir it all together. Scallions cleaned and cut i

Drinks (warm) Orange peel from here Whole cardamom capsules Whole cloves ...

All ingredients are cooked with water and a bit of sugar on a low heat in a 1/2 hour. The spices in a tight-fitting glass, and boiling water are met, so that it covers. It should pull in a few days, then it is ready for use again. If it loses power, it may boi