Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Sides Pepper Salt Large sprig thyme ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into cubes or slices. Brown onions in butter. When the ergrundigt brunet met the vinegar, sugar and spices in and screwed down at the lowest heat. Let the onions simmer for is is completely marmeladeafgtige, cool off and store in

Mains Wheat flour and water for sealing dough Eggs Bacon into strips or cubes ...

Cut the meat into cubes, and put it in a bowl-it must not be of metal! Came pigs toes in, and add the garlic, juniper berries, cloves, Bay leaves, herbs, carrot cubes, onions and wine. Tire Bowl, and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, like

Mains Lemon pepper Whole peppercorns Bay leaves ...

Rinse the cod slices. Bring a pot of water to a boil with the salt, a couple of Bay leaves and 6-8 the whole peppercorns. Put fish strips in turn off under the Pan, put a lid on and let the fish get into the warm syrup on after the heat for about 15 minutes or

Soups Salt Thyme sprigs Fresh Chervil ...

Dæg kalvebov and legs with cold water in a large saucepan and set it over on low heat. When the soup boils skimmed the ambiguities of. Add salt and cream of again so the soup is getting ready. Put the spices (Bay leaf, peppercorns and thyme sprigs) in a cof

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Cut the veal shoulder into cubes (a) 2 x 2 cm. Joined them in a pan and pour cold water over to cover. Set the pan over on a low heat and foam impurities of, when the meat boils. Add salt and cream again. Put the spices (peppercorns, cloves and Bay leaves) in

Lunch Onion Sweetener equivalent to 250 g. sugar Bay leaves ...

'S and filetér herrings. Let them water down approx. 4 hours. Boil vinegar, sweetener, water and spices together a couple of minutes and let it cool. Let the herring fillets drip well of, put it in the brine and let infuse for at least 6 hours.

Soups Marjoram Parsley Salt ...

Share hen in two and remove the superfluous celebration lumps (down by your behind) and whatever else is left of giblets. Share it further up so you're about 4 pieces (it is easier to deal with) You can also Cook the chicken completely, however, just remember

Soups Curry Olive oil or duck fat Pepper ...

Cut the bacon into cubes and FRY in fat. Clean the vegetables and cut into slices/cubes and toss them in the pan. Add the rest and let it come to a boil and turn down and simmer. Lightly and served as it is or with flour and meatballs. Tips: Cheap and nutr