Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Appetizers Goose or duck fat Whole peppers Bay leaves ...

Put 4 large chicken cows (must be a good fat chicken) in plenty of salt overnight. Rinse them, put them in a pot of bay leaves and whole pepper and cover with goose or duckweed. They should boil very quietly for 1 1/2 hour. Take them up, let them drip of

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large pot, add onion and chicken pieces and cook for 5 minutes until the chicken begins to brown. Add potatoes, carrots and bay leaves and turn for approx. 3 minutes, stir around so it is not jammed. Pour the chicken food and season with salt

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour Crushed garlic after taste ...

Beef pot: Dip the meat dry. Bring it in the oil in a large saucepan. Stir fry and add broth, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Let it cook for 20-30 minutes under the lid. Peel the vegetables and cut them into rough pieces. Put these in the pan and allow the dish

Mains Groftrevet Celeriac (approx 400 g) Black peppercorns Coarse salt ...

Let half of the butter become golden in a saute pan. Step the meat approx. 5 min. Until it crumbles and changes color. Bring the meat and melt the rest of the butter with high heat, but it does not burn. Season onions and celery for approx. 3/5 min. Add potato

Cold cuts Isinglass Large sprig of fresh thyme Vildsvinebov with legs ...

The wild boar blanchers are then blended in a pot of water, boiled and rinsed. Then add the reconstituted vegetables and spices. This is cooked now that the wild boar is well tender. Cool the top of the dish, cut the meat and cut it into small terns. The

Soups Freshly grated horseradish Salt Carrot ...

Cut the chicken and put it in a pan covered with water. Bring in a boil and foam. Onions in quarts, carrot, pore pepper and spices are added and the whole boils until the chicken is tender, approx. 1 hour. The chicken is taken up and the soup is sifted.

Mains Dry white wine Dill Mullet approximately 1500 g.-without head ...

The fish is cleaned inside and scratched free of dandruff. Finder and tail cut / cut off. Thoroughly dry out and have a roll of paper. Put the fish in a fireproof dish. Fill with dillkvist (save stems) and 1/2 tablespoon salt. The lemons are cut into thin slic

Mains Cooking oil Juice from 1 lime fruit Butter ...

Calves pot: Bring onions and garlic in a large saucepan with a little fat and simmer for a few minutes. Place the veal on a very hot forehead and brown it all golden on all sides. Then lift the tomatoes, chili, orange, vanilla, cinnamon, thyme star anise, car