Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Suit

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Put kujakken in the water a day. Dry it in a cloth (or a piece of paper), and volumes thin Bacon slices on. Warm the fat in a pan, put kujakken in and Brown it on all sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour the boiling water and cook slowly 1-1 ½ hours. SI

Mains 2 Bay leaves Roasted potatoes Old-style red cabbage ...

Ask the butcher cut ham roast of pork without culotten and mignonen. RIDs the rind down to meat with ½ CM's space-but do not scratch in the flesh. Have the butcher scratched flesh, so do the following. Sometimes ridsningen not deep enough-especially not in

Mains Venison (shoulders or halskød/ribs) Cream Carrots ...

Brown meat in butter or oil, add the vegetables, salt, pepper, 3-4 dl of red wine and a little broth, cooked tender (approximately 1 ½ hour), season-eventually fades as the finishing touch, add a small Tin of Madagascar-pepper Tips: This right can of cours

Mains Suit Water Beef Escalope into thin slices ...

Kødskiverne reversed in flour and Brown. Sauté the onions. The Golden onion and the meat distributed in a saucepan. Boil water and broth up with Santa Maria Bay leaves and pour it in. Salt and Pepper are added to Santa Maria. Let the Court småsnurre 1 1/2 -2 h

Mains Suit Salt The cloud from the chickens ...

Chicken pieces in Brown fat, sprinkled with salt and Santa Maria Pepper. They put in a dress maker tray, sprinkled with sugar and some splashes of vinegar and hot broth so it just covers the meat. The Court put in the oven at 175 ° in 45 min., and cooked the m

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut hearts into quarters and remove the tendons and blood, rinse them well. Cut them so in 3 x 3 cm cubes. Season them with salt and pepper and brown them in the very hot butter. The peeled onion granted along with the sliced carrots. Let it grates a little

Mains Suit Plenty of freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Cut hearts into quarters and remove the tendons and blood, rinse them well. Then cut them into cubes. Season them with salt and pepper and brown them in the very hot butter. When they are nicely Brown, sprinkled the flour over. The peeled onion granted along w