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Recipes with Suit

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Form eight thin steaks of chopping the meat. Put slices of cheese over half and cover with the other/beefburgers. Close the steaks well in pages, vikel a slice of bacon around them in the Pan and FRY as usual. Sauce: Flour sprinkled on the forehead and then

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Cut the beef into thin slices and bank kødskiverne well and season them with salt, pepper and letknuste Juniper. Brown them well in the butter, a little at a time, take up and keep warm. Fry the chopped onion in the fat and the meat in the Pan again came to

Sauces Suit Pepper Salt ...

Heat the broth and add the wine, when the sauce is boiling, add the cornstarch which is udrørt in cold water. Add some colour and flavour with salt and pepper.

Mains Bacon Suit Corn flour ...

The chickens are rubbed inside with salt and crushed juniper berries. Put in a greased ovenproof dish. Bacon slices are added above the chest. Brown ca. 15 minutes at 225 gr. Pour cream through, crack a bouillon cube in, turn down to approx. 180 gr and put sta

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Beef tyndstegen provisioned. Rub the roast with salt and pepper. Place it on the grate over the saucepan with curl fat side up. Brown roast 15 minutes at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Reduce the heat to 100-120 degrees c. alm. oven and pour soup, broth or water

Sauces Suit Pepper Salt ...

SI juices up in a pan, allow to stand for a moment and foam so that the surface is free of fat. Sky can be supplemented with broth, stock or wine. Water and flour shaken klumpefri in a melryster. Cornstarch is mixed in water. Boil the cloud and add smooth no i

Mains Suit Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Scroll forcemeat into a sausage and cut it into suitable pieces. Push them a little flat and chop the steaks lightly criss-cross with a knife, cruiser with salt and pepper. Boil the potatoes. Cut the onions in half and then into slices. Brown the butt

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Tamper-proof, shared and chop the onions. The roasted Golden in half of the butter stirring occasionally. They are taken by and kept warm. The beef is split into 8 parts and shaped into patties. They are seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown quickly on bo