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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Lunch (to go) Pepper Eggs Red bell pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl, add oatmeal and flour and stir it with a hand mixer, then put eggs in and spices and tear the red onion and chop the red pepper well and put it in the dad, stir it until it is firmly in And then add milk a little at a time and until it

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Step bacon on the pan then put it in a refractory dish. Cut the pears into slices and then wrap them on the forehead of the bacon dish. Pour the cream over the porridge on the forehead and let it boil and boil. Pour the cheese into the pan and stir it evenl

Mains 2 tomatoes Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in a pot of salt and pepper. Add ketchup after 2-3 minutes and allow to fry for an additional 2-3 minutes. Turn on the oven. Chop onions and peppers, grate the cheese. Distribute the prepared meat, chopped peppers and onion as well as 1/2 of the

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

The squash is cut into the tern and put to the bottom of a dish, together with the red pepper cut into rings or terns. The chicken fillet is heated at high heat in oil and butter for about 2 minutes. The chicken fillets are now put on top of squash and p

Mains Basil leaves for garnish (optional) Pepper Salt ...

1. Rub the chicken fillets with herbes de provence. Arrow and chop garlic and onions. Rinse the vegetables. Cut the squash into the tern. Half the peppers, remove the kernels, the white membrane and the sirloin and shred the peppers roughly. 2. Heat 2 tbsp.

Salads Mango Red chili pepper Red bell pepper ...

Peel the beans, pack them in silver paper and put them in the oven for 45 minutes at 225 degrees C. alm. oven. While baking the beets, prepare the other. Cut the pepper in 1 cm of tern. Put it in a bowl. Cut the apples into four for each apple. Remove the

Mains Or 5 dl. cream fine 15% Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken and vegetables into small pieces. Melt margarine in a saucepan and sweat curry and pepper. Put the chicken in the pan, pour it into peppers - champions and spring onions in the pan, add salt - pepper and broth let it simmer a little. Add coo

Sauces Lots of paprika Onion Garlic ...

Season the peppers onion garlic Blend the peppercorn onion and garlic add a little cream. And blend again quickly Bring the mass back into the pan again. Boil along with the resilience of the cream. Add the peppers. Not too much for then the sauce gets cloud