Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Midnight snacks Lemon juice Cress Mayonaise ...

Cut the crust of the loaves, put one pack of bread on a plate. Mix tuna (where the oil is poured) with half of mayonaise, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, salt pepper and a can of corn. Spread it evenly on the bread. Cut the cucumber into slices and put an edge a

Mains Green bell pepper Chopped tomatoes, canned Onion ...

Turn the bacon into a pan add the beef until it is brown, add onion and pepper and garlic and stir around. Add chopped tomatoes and cream and simmer with salt and pepper. Add the cocktail sausages to the end and warm it until the sausages are warm and serve.

Mains Oil Salt Soy sauce ...

3 dl rice is boiled according to the instructions on the package and cooled. The peppers are cut into the tern (about 1x1 cm). The meat is cooked in a wok or pot in oil with a little soya. Add green beans, crushed garlic and peppers. Let it roast unt

Mains Dill Sea salt Black pepper ...

Pick the spinach and rinse it thoroughly. Put the spinach in a pan and steam it in the water that hangs until it has fallen completely. Season with salt and pepper and let the spinach drip into a sieve. Let the biscuit dishes thaw on the kitchen table until

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut the meat into fine strips and wrap it on all sides in butter and oil in a saucepan. Put it in an ovenproof dish. Cut the vegetables into strips and season them a little at a time and put them over the meat in the dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put th

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Form the meat for 4 steaks. Brush them briefly in a little fat on a forehead. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and some peppers. Put a steak on each piece of aluminum oil. Cut onions in thin rings, peppers in small tern and mushrooms in slices. Put it in a little

Lunch Pepper Salt Kebab seasoning ...

Chop well and swirl it in butter Add the beef too hot with it. Add garlic. Chop red and gus peppers finely and add it. Add spice, tomatoes and salt / pepper. Heat the pita bread in the oven. tips: You can put creme fraiche on top of the cuts br

Mains A few sprigs of fresh thyme Solve rice Pepper ...

Cut the pork into mundane pieces and put it in a half-deep dish together with apricots and raisins. Pour red wine and vinegar on and add thyme and bay leaf. Leave it at least 1 hour. Let the oil get hot in a saucepan and sweat the meat in it. Add the fruit and