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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Put the chicken in a little broth. Add chopped onions, red pepper in tern and chopped squash. Add water. Let the dish simmer for approx. 25 minutes. Then add the apple cut into small terns. Smooth the sauce with flour and let the dish boil. Just before serv

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice and finely chopped herbs are mixed and the salmon is marinated in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes. The vegetables are cut into strips (choose like peppers of different colors), sautéed in butter and season with salt

Mains Herbs Pepper Salt ...

Salmon-fried scrub: Cut the salmon into thin strips and put them in a food processor. Add egg white, cream, 1/2 teaspoon. Salt and a little pepper as well as herbs (any basil, parsley, dill or a mixture of them) as desired. Let the blender run until the dad c

Mains Yellow bell pepper Onion Red bell pepper ...

Cut onion and pepper into very fine strips and shake in the oil together with finely chopped garlic. Cut the beef tenderloin into suitable strips and add the sauté. When the flesh is browned on all sides add the cream and cook it down to the appropriate

Mains Olive oil Pepper Onion ...

The meat is cut into strips. At the same time, the oil is heated on the forehead, the forehead must be very hot. The meat is brined on the forehead for 3-4 minutes, preferably pouring from the forehead a few times along the way. Season the meat with salt and p

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil ...

The steaks are roasted so they are pink. Sauce: Peel the onion and fry in oil so that it is brown, pour the cream and boil for approx. 15 minutes. This is blended and poured tibag in a pan in which the dijon peanut and peppercorns have been shaken. Boiled a

Salads A little sugar EVS. 12-15 black olives Cut parsley ...

The peppers are halved, the kernels are removed and cut into thin strips and mixed with chicken and ham, the thawed peas and cooked rice and portioned on lettuce leaves or on a larger dish. The dressing is whipped together and benefits over the salad. The eggs

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Clean the vegetables and make the pigeons. Melt spoon into a saucepan. Thoroughly rub the pigeons into the pan, then pick them up and keep them warm. Stir the vegetables in the grease until they are golden. Put the pigeons back in the pan and flamber with t