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Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains EVS. a little, 1 tskf. paprika EVS. a little, only Cut parsley ...

Everything is mixed in the marinade. The chicken is divided into 4 pieces and draws in the marinade for couple of hours in a cold place. Now chop the onions and mix with the rice and both light dishes in butter in a saucepan until it is slightly light brow

Salads Cucumber slices Green bell pepper Red bell pepper ...

The onion slices are poured with boiling water and then with cold water dripping off. In the bottom of a potion bowl or plate, add a salad leaf, cucumbers cuts, peppers in the rings (without the kernels) and a little salt and pepper between the turkey sauce.

Soups Butter for frying Red bell pepper Cooking cream ...

Melt the butter in a large soup. Chop and add garlic and ginger. Add curry and let it break. Cut the carrots into slices and chop them shortly in the saucepan. All other vegetables are chopped and added. Let it all get hot in the pan and stir around once in a

Lunch Pepper Salt Encountered mild chili ...

Licked pills and torn well. The peppers are cut into small terns. The sheet celery is cut into thin slices. The herring fillets are cut into small pieces. Garlic peel and squeezed. Greek yogurt stir together with garlic. Chili and tomato ketchup. Onions,

Mains FL. margarine or oil Pepper Rye flour ...

Form the chicken meat to the carrots and turn them into rye flour with salt and pepper. Chop the red pepper and chili very well. Put the chops in fat with 1 teaspoon of peppers for 7 minutes. Pepper and chili on the forehead when the meat is turned over for t

Mains Oil Pepper Minced parsley ...

The lenses are flushed well, boiled for 20 minutes and drained. Onions, garlic and peppers are chopped well. Carrot tears fine. The almonds chopped fine but died with a little "bite". All ingredients are stirred together. The father rests ½ hour. The fri

Mains Oil for frying Olive oil Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 220 degrees. Peel the baking potatoes, peel them and turn them with olive oil, finely chopped garlic and salt! Distribute them to the baking sheet with baking paper and put them in the oven - for about 35 minutes until they are beautiful go

Dressing Atamon Red bell pepper Small garlic ...

Chop chili, garlic and pepper in small pieces. Boil them in a pan with water so that it just covers the mixture. When the mixture is tender, vinegar and sugar are added. (May give a strong smell). Give it all a boil. Then add the ketchup and tomato paste