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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Lemon Pepper Salt ...

The mushrooms are soaked in the sherry. Cut the halibut into suitable pieces and drizzle with lemon. Turn in rye flour with chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Step on forehead for approx. 3 min. on every side. The pasta is boiled according to instructions

Mains Bay leaves Sugar Orange-juice and grated to be thereof ...

Calve jaws boil in water added salt and bay leaves for about 1½ hours, cool and freeze from the tendons and grease. Foie gras is cleaned for tendons, barriers and blood vessels, after which it is picked into small pieces. Calf jaws, foie gras, salt, pepper, le

Mains Salt Egg yolk Lemon ...

The fish is dripped with lemon and draws for 10 minutes. The fish is cut into 3 - 4 pieces. Bacon cut into the tern and fry on the forehead, add margarine to the fish fillets and fry for a couple of minutes. On each side at low heat - they must not take color.

Sides Fresh Parmesan cheese A little olive oil Lemon ...

Half the peppers, remove the fry seeds and grill the peppers in the oven until the skin turns dark and begins to bubble. Cool the peppers a little and peel off the skin. Cut the peppers in a quarter. Rinse spinach and rucola well. Nip the beans, give them a bo

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Asparagus is cooked and steamed, placed on a dish and kept warm. Butter or margarine melted. The egg yolks are whipped together with lemon juice over water bath until it becomes thick and creamy. Butter or margarine is whipped for a little while. The sauce

Appetizers Whole black peppercorns Salt Carrot ...

The ingredients for the court bouillon are boiled together for 20 minutes. The sauce: To the curry of the court-bouillon it will boil for 1 dl. Asparagus is boiled, 3 minutes for the green and 4-5 minutes for white asparagus. With the short cooking time, t

Mains Pepper Red Basil or dill Salt ...

Add 1 l of salted salt to boil. Rinse and scrub the potatoes and cook them in the water. Rabarbersovs: Cut the rhubarb in 1 cm length. Boil them with apple cheese, honey and fish broth. Sift the sauce when the rhubarb is cooked out. Stir corn starch in cold

Mains Lemon Pepper Saffron threads ...

Cut the chicken into the tern and brown it in the oil and let it spin for 10 minutes. The meat is taken up. Chopped onion, squeezed garlic, rice and saffron. When it is switched in the oil, the meat is put back into the pan. Add 6-8 dl chicken broth and sal