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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Lemon Savoy cabbage Potatoes ...

A marinade of white wine vinegar, lemon juice and water is prepared. Add the marinade with salt and pepper, add 2 tbsp. Roughly chopped thyme. Pour over the fish and pull in min. 20 minutes. Potatoes, carrots and pears are cut into coarse tern and put in a

Mains Fresh dill Pepper Lemon ...

Whip whites until they can be turned without falling out of the bowl. Pour the salt in and turn around with a scraper. Spice the salmon with pepper on both sides. Grease half of the whites on the skins side and put the salmon with this side down in an ovenproo

Mains Dijon mustard Leek Lemon ...

Cut the leg from the salmon chop and form it as a tournedos. Hold it with toothpicks or needles. Place the tournedoès in a butter-fried refractory dish. Spread the butter on it and season with salt. Cover the dish with aloe oil and style it on the middle ri

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar, light ...

The dill is divided into 2 parts and one part is placed in a refractory dish. The salmon is laid on top and seasoned with salt, lemon pepper and basil. The rest of the dill is laid on top of the salmon. Lemon and balsamic vinegar is added over the salmon and w

Mains The rest of the savojkålen Egg yolk Salmon tournedos ...

Put the savoyi cabbage in the middle of the plate, the salmon tourneck upstairs with the sauce around. Free the salmon fillet for skins and legs. Cut some strips along the fillet (20 cm long and 2-3 cm wide) Cut the savoy cabbage and sauté it in a pan of butte

Appetizers Leaf celery Lemon Dill, fresh ...

Put the salmon fillet in a bowl or dish, pour white wine and sprinkle with salt. Put in the microwave for 4-5 minutes. Cooled off. Pour softly in cold water for 5 minutes. Mix salmon with finely chopped celery, lemon juice, cremefraiche, salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

Heat oil or butter on a thickened forehead and sprinkle the salmon golden and tender. Season with salt and pepper. Take the salmon off the forehead and keep it warm. Heat the butter in a thickened pot and add the flour. Stir it together with low heat for on

Appetizers Oak leaves Heart leaf Radissio ...

Take 80 g to 4 roses of the smoked halibut. The rest is combined with cremefraiche cream cheese and just over half of the avocado - blender is the best for this. The mousse is placed in 4 small bowls for a while. Iceberg is cut into fine strips and the mous