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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Asparagus wetness Dill Pepper ...

Put the salmon in pieces. Grease 4 pieces of stew or aloe oil and place the salmon pieces in the middle. Crisp with salt and pepper. Rinse the pork, cut into strips and mix it with chopped dill, parsley and lemon and place it over the fish. Fold the foil

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Wash the potatoes, stew them and bag them at least 1 hour. When baked, split them in half and the potato meat is carefully scrapped out of the skull so it does not break. The potato mass is stirred with chopped dill, a little margerine and whipped cream as nee

Mains Blue poppy seed Wine vinegar Lemon ...

Finely chop the onions, lightly sprinkle them in a saucepan with a little butter, a little vinegar and white wine and it should be reduced and whipped with the butter, add lime and lemon juice to your liking, with a little peel. The potatoes are boiled.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut the stalk of the artichoke and tie a lemon slice on the cut. Boil the chopsticks for 45 minutes in salted water and let them cool in the boil water. Pour the leaves of the artichoke, throw the outermost leaves without meat. Save approx. 50 leaves. Blend th

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Make the cooking layer by pouring the water into a large pot or fish pot. Cut the peel into quarters and put it in the water with wine, bay leaf, pepper and salt. Put the fish fillets in the pan with the meatballs, and then bring the water to the boil. Boil

Mains Lemon Iceberg, lettuce Eggs ...

Crumble the ingredients together and let it rest for a while in the refrigerator. Cut the salmon in strips that are run in the footprocessor with salt, add egg white again and finally run the farmer with the cream to a smooth farmer. Mix chopped dill and

Mains Pineapple Lemon Salmon ...

The onions are peeled and chopped well. The mushrooms are washed and cut well. The ananas are cut into small pieces and dripped off. Fresh mussels are made clean and cooked. In the tomatoes a cross is cut and they are put in boiling water for a short while unt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Spinach Cream: Sprinkle the spinach into a sieve and let it drizzle. Turn it in butter into a pan and add the cream. Let it simmer for 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon for approx. 8 thin slices and rolling together. The rolls are l