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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Lemon Mussels Grated nutmeg ...

Spinach: The spinach is torn and blanched. Minced chopped and sautéed in butter. Add whipped cream and boil to the desired consistency. Seasoned with fried nutmeg, salt and pepper. Salmon: The salmon is heated in the oven approx. 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Watercress ...

Timbale: 4 small foil shapes or cups of 1.2 dl, "fores" with the salmon slices. The house block is soaked in water. The shrimp are chopped roughly and tied free of water and mixed in the crème frâichen. Season with horseradish and lemon. The house block is mel

Mains Fresh herbs (parsley, chives, etc.) Pepper Salt ...

Salmon roll: Thin slices of smoked salmon are put on a piece of kitchen film. Cream cheese and crème frâiche are whipped together and seasoned with lemon juice, salt and pepper. The cream is lubricated on the salmon slices and rolled tightly, like to roulade.

Mains Lemon Potato Salmon Hot smoked ...

Put the salmon on a dish and pull off the skin. Blanches peas and asparagus in short sea water so they do not lose the crispness. Arrange the light-boiled peas and asparagus around the salmon. Decorate with dill and lemon slices. Stir the sauce together, taste

Appetizers Lemon Dill, fresh Olive. Blacks. without stones in brine. ...

Asparagus poured into a jar and dripped off. Asparagus, onions, a little pepper and herbs are mixed. Flow lightly and mix with cream fraiche, turn asparagus into. The house block is soaked in cold water for approx. 5 minutes, melt in white wine in a pan

Mains Lemon Dill for garnish A little tabasco and sugar ...

Cut the celery stalks into small slices and put them in a bowl, like some of the leaves. Cut the apples in half and cut half the apples in 3 parts. Each portion is cut into thin slices and mixed with the celery hangers. Get dressed and stir around. Put i

Mains Pepper Rhubarb Compote Salt ...

Take 2 rhubarb from (like the thinnest) clean and cut them into very thin slices. Chop the parsley and mix the rhubarb and parsley with 1 tablespoon. honey. Cut the hornfish in 3-4 pieces, fill the fillet within the belly and the fishpieces are lined with c

Mains Lemon Whipped cream Onion ...

The sea urchin is cut into fillets and the skin and legs are removed. The wreath is easily salted approx. 1 hour. Meanwhile, the herbs are cut into long thin strips. A saucepan is lubricated with butter at the bottom and the herbs are laid in it. The tro