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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Cut the sea bag out large pieces and arrow shrimps. Cut the lemons into ultra thin slices and divide them into quarters. Put sea-bag lemon and shrimp on spears. Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper and grill over charcoal or in the oven approx. 5,

Mains Lemon Fresh tarragon Parsley ...

Rinse the aprons and sprinkle them with salt inside. The pears are cut into thin rings, celery and fennel in fine tern, and the carrots in strips. Half of the vegetables are filled in the fish with a little lemon juice. The aprons are placed in the oven in a g

Mains Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Onions, carrots and pears are cleaned, peeled and cut into thin strips. The potatoes are peeled and cut into very thin slices (use a flat cheesecake). Cut 4 large pieces of baking paper and put a salmon fillet together with vegetables and potatoes layerwise

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

The fillets are divided into smaller pieces and seasoned with salt and pepper. The bread is crumbled and stirred with oil, lemon juice and the blue mold cheese. This also mixes the pesto. Fill the fillets in a refractory dish and lubricate the mixture. T

Mains Lemon Oil Pepper ...

Mix flour and spices and pan the fillets in it. Red pepper or squid can also be used. Stir the fillets for approx. 5 min. Be careful not to turn them too early - they crumble. Serve fish fillets with a lemon boat, new potatoes and grated carrot salad.

Mains Dill Pepper Salt ...

Start turning on the grill ... (the dish can also be cooked in the oven) The juice from a half lemon is mixed with olive oil and dripped over the filler fillets. Fillet fillets are divided into 4 servings and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put the portions

Mains Pepper Rye flour, wholemeal Salt ...

Crushed cranberries: Cranberries (possibly thawed frozen) are boiled in a can of sugarcane, water, juice and grated lemon and salt. Let the cranberries boil for approx. 1 min., Take the saucepan off and let the pickled berries pull for as long as possible.

Desserts (cold) Lemon Raisins Cream 13% ...

Give the raisins a quick boil in cold water and pour them on a sieve. Spread the bread on one side, divide it in half or quarter and arrange them in four greased refractory dishes. Distribute the raisins over the bread. Whip the eggs together with sugar and