Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lemon

Appetizers Cut dill to taste Zest and lemon juice to taste Fish broth ...

At the bottom of 4 serving bowl, a little bit of frieze is dild. Fill half with shrimp and whole peas. Boil the boil and cook with white wine, salt and lemon juice. Put the husblasen in cold water for 5 minutes, hug tight and melt in the light broth. Let it

Appetizers Lemon Finely chopped shrimp Whipped cream ...

The parsnips are cleaned and cut into long spells. They boil half moor for approx. 10 min, turn into rasp and roast golden. Or they can be roasted and then have 10 minutes on each side. The dressing is stirred together by gorgonzola, cream, yams and walnuts an

Mains Lemon Cream Fresh lovage ...

The lamb broths are rinsed and dried in a cloth. Peel the chopped garlic clove on the forehead of olive oil and pick it up. Put on a plate. The brussels roast on the forehead for 2 - 3 minutes on each side. Take up and place between two plates to keep warm.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Capers Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a farmer with broth, egg, salt and freshly ground pepper. Form them into large flat cobwebs and turn them into raspberries. Stack the cobwebs on a pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put the cranberries on a dish and put a slice of lemon on,

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Season the onions in oil and add the bacon and lemon slice and cinnamon stick. Boil for 10 minutes. Turn the meat in a little flour spice and brown with strong hot water to cover it. Potatoes, leeks, parsley mustard salt and pepper are added. Cook outwards ½ t

Mains Herb bouquet of 2 stems thyme, 5 sprigs of parsley, bay leaf Pepper Salt ...

Place the bristles in cold water for 1 hour. Boil them in salted water 2-3 minutes. Rinse them immediately in cold water and remove obstacles, veins and other impurities. Chop the onions and tear the carrots. Cut the pores well. Season the vegetables in the

Mains Wheat flour to pudring A little olive oil Oil for sautéing ...

The calfskank slices are sprinkled with flour and sautéed easily in olive oil in a steak or sautepande. When the slices are well-sourced (without taking color) add white wine and garlic sauce. Pour water on - so the slices are barely covered with moisture. Spr

Mains Pepper Bread crumbs for Breading Salt ...

The meat is spread into eggs and turned into a mixture of salt, pepper and rasp. They brune immediately in butter on a pan 2 min. on every side. The potatoes are peeled and boiled tenderly. Brown in butter on a pan until golden. Serve immediately with le