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Recipes with Lemon

Appetizers Lemon Tiger shrimp Garlic butter ...

Strike the prawns along. Distribute garlic butter on the cutter's surface. Cut the lemon into 10-12 thin boats. Slice shrimp and lemon on the spoon alternately. Put the spices on the grill and grill them for about 10 minutes. Served with flutes

Cakes in form Lemon Sweetener Vanilleessens ...

Boil the apple in a little lemon juice and taste it with sweetener. Then put in a refractory dish. Mix the cooked rice with sweetener, vanilla sauce and 2 egg yolks. Whip the egg whites stiff and mix them in. The mixture is then laid on the apple cream which l

Desserts (cold) Waffles Lemon Egg whites ...

Bring the boiled pears in the blender and blend them to the mash. Add the juice layer and juice of 1 lemon. Set the fruit mousse in the freezer approx. 4 hours. Stir occasionally. Bring the frozen ice pulp into the blender again, so that the ice cream is br

Desserts (cold) Lemon Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Isinglass, leaves ...

The skull of one lemon is rinsed thoroughly under water and rubbed well. Whip together with egg yolks and flour until the egg mixture has become completely white. The whip flow is whipped just as much that there are traces in the flow. Husblas soak in cold

Various Oregano Grated cheese Saracha sauce to fit ...

Milk and eggs are whipped together. Mel is sifted in the dough, salt is added and the dough is whipped again until there are no lumps. Saracha sauce is added to the taste fits. The pancakes are made in a small pan (Wok pot can be used) While the pancak

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Pineapple juice Lemon ...

Pour pineapple juice and ice cubes in a saucepan. Squeeze the juice of all the citrus fruits and pour it into the juice. Gently pour the coke and stir carefully so that the shower does not drain. Server. TIP: Decorate it. With orange slices.

Soups Lemon Hønsebouillon cube Pepper ...

Measure all ingredients Peel potatoes and cut them into the tern Put butter in the saucepan and cook with medium heat Pour the potatoes into a saucepan and wrap them for approx. 3 min. They must not turn brown Pour water and broth into the pan. Put on the

Mains Olive oil Ras el hanut (a Moroccan spice blend) Acacia honey ...

Chop the chicken and place it in a bowl. Squeeze the juice of the lemon over the chicken and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Add grated ginger, garlic, chopped coriander, Ras el Hanut and acacia honey. & Amp; # 8203; Turn the chicken around the marinade & Am