Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Mains Freshly ground pepper Liberally butter/Alternatively musk tallow Salt for seasoning ...

The meat is rinsed in fresh water to remove grass and other impurities. The meat is cleansed for barriers and tendons. The meat is cut into slices of approx. 1 cm thick, across the muscle, so there are no long muscle fibers in the pieces. Lay the meat

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Dried Rosemary ...

Pour the boiling water over the sun-dried tomatoes and let them pull for approx. 2min. Let the tomatoes drip into a sieve. Save 2 tbsp. Of the effluent. Chop the tomatoes well. Stir the chopped meat with salt for approx. 1 min. Come onion, garlic, rosemary

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Crushed garlic Chives ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and put them in a half-deep dish. Whip the marinade together and taste it well. Pour it over the tomatoes. Decorate with strips of finely chopped garlic and finely chopped onions. Preferably ½-1 hour before severing. The tomato

Mains Freshly ground pepper Finely chopped mild red chili pepper Coarse salt ...

Bring the oil in a large pot or wok. Step the nuts until they have taken color. Take the nuts up and save them for later. Bring half of onions, garlic, chili and meat to the pan and cook until it has taken color. Take it up and save it with the nuts. Stir the

Sides Freshly ground pepper Oil or liquid margarine for frying Juice of 0.5 lemon (preferably more) or lime ...

The tuna is really nice with a fork. Add the other ingredients and mix it all together to a "father". Heat a little oil or liquid margarine on a pan, form like plain meatballs and rose approx. 5 -6 minutes on each side, they should be brown and like with a lit

Mains Freshly ground pepper Eggs Coarse salt ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Peel the potatoes. Cut them out into spelled tomatoes. Bring them to a bowl and turn the oil in. Cover a frying pan with baking paper and take advantage of the potatoes on the frying pan. Bag them for approx. 40 minute

Salads Freshly ground pepper Pepper Salt ...

Coleslaw: Cut the cabbage fine (a whole bowl head may be in the upper part, so you can take something away). Cut the carrots on the grater. Mix the cabbage and carrot together. Stir marinade together and mix cabbage and carrots in a large plastic bag. Let

Mains Freshly ground pepper Carrots Wheat flour ...

The day before: Remove senes and grease from the meat, cover with salt and let it pull for 6 hours and turn it regularly Rinse the meat thoroughly (very thoroughly - otherwise the finished dish becomes inedible salt!), Put it in a large bowl with the veget