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Recipes with Apples

Cakes Almonds or hazelnuts Crushed macaroons Brown sugar ...

The apples are shared in both peeled off and core are removed. Distributed in a small dish. Above sprinkled raisins & brown sugar and finally crushed macaroons and possibly. a little chopped almonds or hazelnuts. The margarine are distributed into small pi

Salads Lemon juice Cooking oil Raisins ...

Grate the apples and carrots in a bowl. Add a handful of raisins, a spoon of sugar, lemon juice at will (like a splash) and 2 eating spoons cooking oil and stir well. Tips: EVS. garbage the apples before they are demolished. Served like the same with potat

Pickling Water Sugar per litre sieved juice Elderberry ...

The berries ribbes and apples cut into both. Place in a saucepan with the water and cooked for all the juice is drawn out of the fruit. Put it all to the draining of a juice bag 1-2 hours. The amount of the drained juice is measured, the sugar is added and coo

Salads Pineapple juice. canning Sugar Mayonnaise ...

White cabbage and leeks, apples and pineapple chop finely cut into cubes. Mayonnaise and cream is stirred together, season with sugar and pineapple wetness. Cabbages, leeks, pineapples, apples and raisins mixed in the dressing and season. be made cool un

Various Grapes Pineapple Vaniliesukker ...

* Fruits peeled and cut into appropriate pieces * Mix * Invert gently vaniliesukkeret in A38 fruits here in Tips: My comments to the recipe/Court. MUMZ! Great fruit salad, easy to fix and not fedende. The fruit I have chosen to use only vejlledende .... Th

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream or cremfraiche Water Apples ...

The apples were peeled off and udkernes and cut into small cubes. Then put in a pan with won, where the kogest to MOSS/Compote (can take fairly long time). Finally, add sugar and cinnamon according to taste ... Tips: You can even assess how serious you wil

Cakes in form Salt Baking soda Butter ...

In a bowl stir butter, sugar, flour, salt, baking powder and eggs together. If the dough seems too dry, add 3-4 spk. milk. The dough in a round shape, where the apples of your decorating needs in. (flaky with grooves in) Cake bake in oven in my 35-40 in 175gra

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric, ground ...

The onion rives and forcemeat stirred together. A pot of water to the boil, turn down at the lowest burner and set dough balls with a teaspoon or Dessert spoon. When they come up to the surface is finished and taken up and placed on a plate, save the cookin