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Recipes with Apples

Salads Red cabbage. raw Apples Oranges ...

Part rådkålen and cut it fine or at will, so it came in a bowl. Peel the apples and cut them into four boats, each boat then share in two pieces and cut them in pieces at will down in rødkålen. Take two of the oranges and share them in two pieces, squeez

Cakes in form Milk Baking soda Desiccated coconut ...

Margarine and sugar stirred softly. Eggs, flour, baking powder, desiccated coconut and milk is stirred in. Remove core from the apples and cut them into boats, peeled must not be removed. Pour the dough in a greased form and Apple boats put into the desiccated

Cakes in form 2 tbsp Eggs Cinnamon ...

Cut French bread into small cubes. Free apples for core housing and cut them into pieces. Put apples and franskbrøds cubes in a bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar and milk and pour over bread and apples. Turn around, so fruit and bread are covered. Pour batter into a gre

Salads Lemon juice Sugar Apples ...

grate the first guleroderne up in a Bowl at etrivejern and grate so the apples up in another bowl and then mix them together in a large bowl and put then lemon juice in and stir well put so sukkerret in and then you have a guleæblesalat

Mains Apples Pepper Salt ...

'S second, rub it well both inside and outside with salt and pepper and fill it with apples and prunes. Put second with breast down, in baking pan. Put the giblets in, pour 3 dl water/broth by and set it in the oven for one hour at 160 degrees hot air or 170 d

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Sveskerne be set to soak the day before. second be able, rinsed and dried well inside and outside. Flare fat oily and greasy from the intestines out in cold water before it is rendered and used for sandwiches. The apples are washed, peeled, sliced and sprinkle

Desserts (patisserie) Cinnamon to taste Baking soda Butter ...

Beat the butter and sugar together. Add one egg at a time. Then add flour and baking soda and finally the milk. Filling: apples skrældes and cut into thin slices and mix together with the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Butter a round ovenfast dish with fa

Mains Prune without stone Apples Duck breast (a) ca. 300 g ...

The apples (like cox orange) wash, core House removed and cut into slices with the skrall. Prunes and apples are distributed in the bottom of the bag and roast the 2 duck breasts on top. Put in a baking dish. FRY 60 minutes at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Remo