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Recipes with Apples

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Eggs Baking soda ...

Whole eggs, sugar and vanilla whipped together, so it will be thick and foamy. Flour and baking powder sifted together and mix in with easy hand together with peeled apples that are cut into pieces. The dough is filled into a baking pan lined with baking pa

Desserts (warm) Margarine Sugar Apples ...

The apples were peeled, cut into thin slices and dipped in pancake batter. Then bake the 5 min. on each side and turned into sugar.

Desserts (cold) Apples Banana Chocolate ...

pour væden from canned fruit cut the raw fruit into cubes melt the ice and then mix the fruit with the ice came small pieces chocolate pieces in a little chocolate shavings for garnish and velbekom

Sides Apples Cinnamon Red cabbage ...

Different accessories for Christmas dinner. First, prepare a mixture of sugar and cinnamon (as for rice pudding). Apple to cut crosswise, so one takes a hat of (by the stem) Then eroded the Apple with a sharp-edged spoon. Carpels are cut off, and the rest cut

Cakes Pearl sugar/tesukker Butter Apples ...

First, in a small pot or saucepan and warm the milk. It must only be writer's warm. Pour the milk into a bowl and stir the yeast out. Pour the remaining ingredients and stir in to the dough is soft and supple. Tire Bowl with a tea towel and let dough stand in

Desserts (cold) Vanillie Lemon juice from here Egg white ...

The apples were peeled off and core are blended out. Apples can be halved, boats or used whole. Roll apples in egg white and then the sugar/cinnamon mixture. Decorate with marzipan and/or honey, almond flakes and raisins. Serve with marscarpone cream, creme fr

Cakes in form Cinnamon sugar Sugar Vanilisukker ...

Butter a casserole dish with oil and sprinkle flour over. Peel the apples and cut them into boats and got them in the dish. Stir in flour, softened butter, sugar and vaniliesukker together for a uniform consistency in a bowl. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar over

Sides Salt Thyme Eggs ...

Do vegetables and apples and saute them istand in olive oil until tender. Now with the crumbled bread, mix the chopped walnuts, spices, sherry and eggs. Fill pudding in an ovenproof dish and Bake 35 minutes at 160 degrees C the. alm. oven.