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Recipes with Apples

Cakes Cinnamon Sugar Butter ...

Preheat ovenen on 200 ' C Peel the apples and cut them into cubes (like a bit ' chunky '). Crumble the sugar, brown sugar, butter, flour and cinnamon together. It must be such a little muesli-like in texture, not too crumbled. Pour apples in a dish and sprink

Cakes in form Baking soda Cinnamon, ground Wheat flour ...

Set the oven at 175 degrees c. alm. oven Butter a springform ca. 24 cm. in diameter with fat and strew a little coconut flakes or bread crumbs. Chop chocolate coarsely. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Turn them in sugar and cinnamon. Stir in fa

Cakes in form Sour cream Desiccated coconut Vaniliesukker ...

Butter and sugar is stirred together. Chocolate chopped apples, peeled and cut into small boats and stir in along with the rest of the ingredients. The batter is poured into a greased springform ca. 22 cm in diameter. Before the cake is put in the oven, spr

Cakes in form Nutmeg Lemon, the juice of which Eggs ...

The dough is kneaded together and divided into two equal parts as printed surface by hand. Made on ice for 1 hour with the film between the layers. Meanwhile, peeled apples and is split into two halves and udkernes. They cut into slices at 2-3 mm and revers

Mains Wheat flour Lemon Apples ...

Onions and apples into small chunks and fry with butter in a saucepan. Karrry and flour is added, stir well and cook a few minutes. Then met water, raisins, chutney and red currant jelly by, and the right cooker in ½ hour. Bacon cut into cubes and boi

Cakes in form Sugar Apples Margarine ...

Turn on the oven at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. Peel the apples, part in both. Apples put in a greased dish. Sugar sprinkled over Apple boats. Margerine, sugar and wheat flour kneaded together to form a smuldredej. Crumble dough spread over Apple boats.

Desserts (cold) Grapes (according to taste) Strawberry Mandarins ...

First, we need to make the dressing, You take (if using whipped cream) Whipping it up for it has a soft, but tough koncistens, so put the 3 tbsp. vaniliepulver down in cream is, and touches around until it is well blended. If you use cream fraice, or a an

Cakes in form Butter or margarine Wheat flour Sugar ...

Apples peeled and cut in both. They met in a tærtefad and sprinkled with a little sugar. Sugar, flour, fat and nuts whipped quick together and sprinkled out over the apples. Bake the cake until it is golden brown. approximately 25 minutes at 200 degrees Tip