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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Oil Breadcrumbs Toasted bread ...

Calculate a triangle camenbert per person. Turn them in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs. Deep fat fry them in very hot oil, until golden all over the place. Take them up with a skimmer and let them drain on paper towel. You can fry them gently in butter or

Desserts (warm) Salt Sugar Oil ...

Beat the dough together to form a klumpfri jævning. Dip the screens in the batter, let them drain away before they are fried for a moment. Put them on fat-absorbent paper and sprinkle powdered sugar on. Serve with the same.

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Fresh strawberries Nyudsprungne elder-flowers ...

Elder flowers cut from the tree just before the cooking process, calculate 2-3 screens per person. The screens be dipped in pancake batter and lowered down into Fryer one at a time. They must have no more than 2-3 minutes. The cream whipped into foam and add a

Desserts (warm) Eggs Beer Oil ...

Stir all of the ingredients for the batter except the whipped whites well together and let the dough rest for an hour. Then turn the stiftpiskede whites in the dough. Dip the flowers down in the dough now-keep in the stem and dip, to the flower is comple

Desserts (warm) Eggs Beer Oil ...

When the shelf is flourishing around midsummer, it's time to make fried elder flowers. Pick a lot of shelf monitors with stem. The screens be dipped in beignetdej consisting of flour, eggs and milk touched together to pancake dejs consistency, and added a b

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cinnamon, ground Oil ...

Gently washed and dried flowers and sprinkled with a little cinnamon. Let just the stems remain. Make a batter of eggs, flour, salt and a little milk. Dip the flowers gently in the batter, and deep fry them until crispy and light brown. Let them drain in fa

Desserts (warm) Ginger Pineapple Acacia honey ...

Pineapple cut into both and brushed with honey mixed with ginger. Grilling about 10 mins.

Desserts (warm) Cardamom, ground Lemon, thereof Coarse salt ...

Mix flour, sugar, salt and lemon zest. Whip milk in a little at a time, to a klumpfri batter. Whip the eggs in. Add melted butter. Pandekagedej has good by to rest half an hour before the pancakes baked so that the result will be best. On a good Pan acce