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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Stenfri prunes Egg whites ...

Sveskerne chop finely with a knife on a Board. The egg whites whipped with hard foam, whereby sugar is stirred in The chopped prunes blended into the dough; and it all poured into a buttered ovenproof dish. Put the dish in the oven at 150 ° in approx. 45 min.

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Melted butter Red apples ...

Halve the apples and remove the core House out. Brush with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon. Behind the apples in a 180 hot oven for about 10 min. Serve the apples on Broil the dish.

Desserts (warm) Almonds Wheat flour Milk ...

Apples peeled, cored, stem and flower are removed and the apples cut into thin both. Apples put in a greased ovenproof dish. The tonsils are chopped, they can possibly. slipped, but it is not necessary. The butter is melted and sugar and almonds mixed in it. F

Desserts (warm) Cream Grated must of lemon Vanilla sugar or cinnamon ...

The apples were peeled off. Core are removed, and the apples are cut into smaller pieces and cooked to mush. Bog season with sukekr, lemon zest, vanilla sugar or cinnamon and pour into a heat-proof platter, there are 4-5 cm deep. The eggs are beaten with the s

Desserts (warm) Coconut Sugar Apples ...

The apples were peeled off and eroded. Stir margarine soft with sugar and coconut in the mass be put down in the apples,. and like a little on top. Bake approximately 20 minutes at 175 c. served with custard or råcreme.

Desserts (warm) (700 g) plums or fresh plums Sugar Whipped cream ...

Yolks (without stone) + 2 dl juice is poured into a ovenfast dish. Maizenamel sieve and sprinkled over the yolks. Put the dish in the oven for 15 minutes at 225 ° C when used fresh plums to the dish in the oven for 20 min set at 175 ° c. the egg yolks from the

Desserts (warm) Rome Big pineapple Vanilla-pods ...

Ingredients for brine mix and boil up. Pineapple, peeled and piqueers with vanilla. Met then in baking dish along with the bed sheet in 3-4 hours at 200 degrees. Ananassen should be turned often during cooking. Then it must be cooled and placed in

Desserts (warm) Sweet liqueur wine Egg yolk Fresh istandgjort fruit in bite-sized pieces (Apple PEAR mango grapes etc.) ...

The fruit be able, the grapes halved and udkernes, the other fruits cut into appropriate pieces. It's all over is poured with mandarin juice or sweet liqueur wine and fruit pulls some hours. Egg yolks, beat whites with sugar and væden from the marinated fruits