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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Oatmeal Wheat bran Water ...

Mash the bananas thoroughly. Bring all the other ingredients in and mix. Bake in butter on a medium hot pan, about 3 smaller pancakes at a time. Only be baked for a few minutes. Served with plain pancake accessories, eg. Syrup, marmalade or nutella.

Desserts (warm) Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Measure all the ingredients and mix it all together into a bowl and whip together with a hand mixer. Pour a little margarine on the forehead between the pancakes. Enjoy warmth with flour / sugar / ice / jam or whatever you want.

Desserts (warm) Cream Salt Porter ...

All dry ingredients are mixed together first. Then all the wet ingredients Finally, stir it all together, let the dough rest for about 30 minutes before frying Stir in butter

Desserts (warm) Eggs Baking soda Milk ...

1: Mix flour, sugar, cocoa, vanilla powder and baking soda together in a bowl. 2: Stir the milk into the mixture and mix it until it becomes a liquid mass, then do the same with the egg. 3: Bring the biscuits roughly and put it into the mixture and finally y

Desserts (warm) Cardamom Salt Icing sugar ...

Stir together and put in a refrigerator approx. ½ hour Add 25 g. Melted margarine in the dough and behind the pancakes

Desserts (warm) Bicarbonate of soda Baking soda Sugar ...

The butter is melted. Eggs and sugar are whipped airy, after which the buttermilk and water are stirred. The dry ingredients are mixed and stirred in the liquid until there are no more lumps. Leave the dough to rest for approx. 10 minutes and then stir the me

Desserts (warm) Vanilla powder Egg whites past Berries (optional) ...

Turn on the oven on a 200 degree oven oven Whip the pastorized egg whites and marcipan with sugar until it is staple, mix flour, egg, sugar and vanilla powder into the stiff egg powder and stir well. Divide the dough into two pieces and roll them out,

Desserts (warm) Cocoa Milk Eggs without yolk ...

Melt 3 spk. Butter or margarine in the microwave just so it's just melted add an egg without a flower say 3 spk. Wheat flour and a lot of cocoa into the cup add 3 spk. Sugar and a little milk stir around and put in the microwave until it's a little windy so ea