Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Vanilla sugar ...

Stir in butter and sugar then stir in brown sugar and eggs, soaked in. mix flour and oatmeal with vanilla, soda and roughly chopped chocolate and nuts. Stir it into the batter. Set the dough with eating spoons or teaspoons, depending on desired size. Bake a

Desserts (warm) Margarine NaCl Sugar ...

Eggs, flour, milk, salt and sugar are mixed together in a bowl and beat well for there are no more lumps in. Fry them on both sides over high heat in a frying pan with magarine. Got a little lump of magarine on after each pancake. Tips: Serve with fx. Jam,

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Part b the cabbage in half-sized florets. Boil them in salted water + milk crisp, about 5 minutes. Then take it up. Behind the flour and butter (40 grams) carefully. Pour milk/water boiling brine in, little by little, stirring. Boil the sauce through a few

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Large teaspoon. baking soda ...

Stir in flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together. Stir in melted butter, buttermilk and egg together. Mix it all. Due to bagepulveret that works with the same should not wait, but bake the dough immediately. Fry them in butter in a frying pan, behind them

Sides Eggs Pepper Salt ...

Mix 500 grams minced venison with 250 grams chopped for. Add 1 small finely grated onion, salt, pepper and a few crushed juniper berries, 50 grams of flour, eggs, 1 dl. milk, stir and form so that the meatballs. Let stuffing rest about 30 mins. Fry them Gol

Cakes in form Ginger, crushed Cloves, bruised Cinnamon, ground ...

Peel a half kilo of pumpkin and grate it finely on the Slaw iron or run it through the mincer. Stir the pumpkin flesh with the other ingredients. Pipe dejbunden together. Then roll it out in approximately ½ cm thickness and line a greased pie dish with the

Bread, buns & biscuits Ginger, crushed Water Cinnamon, ground ...

250 g pumpkin rives finely and FRY in fat to it has absorbed it. The spices are mixed in together with sugar, wetness and yeast. Wheat flour in the dough and gather for a fixed mass. When the dough sticks together, made it to uplift in a warm place. T

Sides Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper Salt ...

Pumpkin peeled off and freed from cores. Cut into 3 cm-thick pieces and then into thin slices. Heat the oil. Turn the pumpkin slices in flour and sprinkle the excess flour. Fry them Golden in the hot oil. Take them up and put them on the fat-sucking paper or p