Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Oil margarine Buttermilk ...

Whisk eggs and powdered sugar into white foam. Mix buttermilk and oil margarine with lemon rind and add the mixture to the egg foam. Then mix in corn starch, flour and bicarbonate of soda together and turn the whole thing into egg foam. The dough pour in a

Cakes in form Milk Water Wheat flour ...

Whisk the whole eggs thoroughly with sugar, and stir in melted somewhat cooled margarine in, term cocoa, flour and baking powder together and stir in the eggs alternately with boiling water and milk, put wax paper in a small buttered baking pan and fill the do

Cakes in form Cinnamon, ground Oil Vanilla sugar ...

Eggs and sugar whipped white and frothy. Stir oil, flour and baking powder in it and spices. Turn finally grated squash and chopped nuts (optional). Bake for approximately 25 X 35 cm form. with wax paper by 175 degrees c. alm. oven for 40 minutes. All th

Mains Oil for frying Baking soda Pepper ...

Beignetdej: beat the egg yolks foamy and add water. Wheat flour, maizenamel and baking soda mixed into the egg yolks a little at a time. The spices are added at the end. Dough should be thick, but it must be shaping up on the shrimp and the vegetables. Clea

Mains White baking soda Fine salt Coarse black pepper ...

Willow garlic fattened and chop it very finely If you use frozen shrimp then thaw them and dry them well by (dry them well so they are not wet!) Mix rest of ingredients with the garlic and let dough stand and rest in about 10 mins Heat the oil up to the

Mains Tarragon or Marjoram. Basil Frying oil/fat fryer Salt ...

The ingredients for the pastry, beat together. The whipped egg whites, invert gently into the dough. The dough should been entitled tykflydende. Fish strips are dried with paper towel. Frying oil is heated. Fish strips dipped in batter and FRY in the Fryer. Be

Salads Wheat flour Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cut the salad into four parts and turn it first in egg and flour and then in breadcrumbs. Warm oil in a large pan and fry the salad until it is golden. Put the salad in fatty sucking paper and sprinkle with salt. Mix the hazelnuts with parmesan, olive oi

Mains Freshly ground pepper Oil for frying Pepper ...

The mackerel's and free them for skins and bones. Cut the fish into appropriate pieces and dry them well in paper towel. Beignet-batter: Whisk egg yolks foamy and add water. Wheat flour, corn flour and baking powder, mix in the egg yolks a little at a time.