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Recipes with Wheat flour

Lunch Tomato puree Durum wheat Grahams ...

Udrør the yeast in the water, and add the oil, salt, whole wheat flour and durum wheat. Stir well and add 3 dl wheat flour. Knead the dough well with the rest of the flour and let dough raise in a warm place about 1 hour. Scroll dejem to 12-14 muffins and pres

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

The flour is poured into a bowl and make a small indentation in the middle. Eggs whipped lightly together and pour into the recess, along with a little salt. Stir the flour a little at a time, along with the beaten eggs together until you get a dough. Take the

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Coarse salt Salt ...

Warm water to 37 degrees and crumble the yeast in it. Add the oil and salt. Stir in most of the flour in and knead it together into a firm dough. Let it raise 30 min. under a cloth. Take the dough up and knead with the rest of the flour. Roll the dough out on

Appetizers Sprigs flat-leaf parsley Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper ...

White wine or water is poured into the bowl and the flour granted under still whipping. The egg whisked together in a Cup before it is stirred together with meldejen. Dough seasoned with salt and pepper to taste and finally made on ice 1 hour. While shared blo

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Water Salt ...

Put raisins and sukat in a bowl and pour a little flour over. turn the raisins and sukat in flour. Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water. Add the yogurt, oil, salt and sugar. Stir together and add the flour, raisins, sukat, baking powder and cardamom. Knead the

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Egg yolk Eggs ...

Crumble the yeast into a bowl. Heat the milk until it is finger warm. Beat eggs and egg yolk lightly with the warm milk. Take 2 tbsp. from for brushing. Udrør yeast with egg mixture. Stir in salt, Seville oranges, raisins and sukat, half of wheat flour dough w

Cookies Water Baking powder Eggs ...

Stir thoroughly together and formed into sausages, approx 4-5 cm thick. Sprinkled with flour and roll out to ca. 4 mm. thickness and 10 cm. width. To cut a long rectangular piece. Bake at 200 degrees my 10-12. Brush immediately after baking with a viscous g

Mains Wheat flour Cabbage Lamb Foundation ...

Snitt cabbage in slices, not too indelicately. Lammekjøttet-best biter av rib pluss lammestek into slices, layered with cabbage in bunnen legges. Curing, a spiseskje hvetemel per game of cabbage/lamb. To about 6 people I reckon a great kålhode, as well as appr