Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Soups Potato flour for jævning Mango sorbet Split vanilla pod ...

Brown sugar, red wine and balsamic vinegar to the boil. Water and berries added with the split vanilla pod. It all brought to the boil and then some gruel is for medium heat for about 10 min. Vanillestangen taken up and the soup is blended and sieved. Be smoot

Pickling Water Vanilla pod Freshly squeezed orange juice ...

Come on sugar and water in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Let Cook on a low heat, without stirring, and under the lid, in about 25 mins. or it turns slightly Golden. Crack the half vanilla pod and stir it in with orange juice. Let the mixture boil, still on a low

Pickling Sugar Stick cinnamon Water ...

½ dl brown sugar with 1 stick of cinnamon. 2 dl water poured in, boil down to desired consistency.

Pickling Atamon Apples (like sour cooking apples) Sugar ...

Cut apples, cooked with Peel and core the itu in water with the juice from the lemons, vanilla and cinnamon sticks in 2-3 45 min. sieve from the juice through a piece of (juice bag). The juice boils down with sugar to a chewy (thick) Golden texture, lightly. A

Pickling Atamon Quinces Sugar ...

Kvæderne cut to pieces, cooked with Peel and core in water, the juice from the lemons as well as vanilla bars in 1 hour, lightly. The juice sieved from through a piece of (juice bag), add sugar, boil down to a viscous (thick) consistency. Add the finely choppe

Pickling Lemon Bulb Sugar ...

Cut the pears itu, cooked with Peel and core in water, the juice from the lemon, vanilla-pods and the crudely sliced fresh ginger. Boil the pears are well tender, term juice from, through a piece of (juice bag). The juice boiled with sugar to a viscous (thick)

Pickling Atamon Lemon Rose hips ...

Rosehip rosehip quarter and kærnerne are procured, the meat, the juice from the lemon, as well as the whole star anise over poured with water. It all boils in 45 min., sifted through a piece of (juice bag) add the sugar. Then boil down to the juice will be tou

Pickling Lemon juice thereof Water Completely ripe blackberries ...

Cook the blackberries, sugar, lemon juice and water together for 10 min. juice in a Drainage material overnight. Pour the syrup on pure and scalded bottles or glass, and close to. Store in the refrigerator. Use the syrup over desserts, pancakes and to taste sa