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Recipes with Water

Mains Allspice Pepper Sage ...

The steaks: mix the breadcrumbs with the minced meat, and gather for a father's with the other ingredients, except for bacon, tomato and cheese. Forcemeat is shaped to 5-6 karbonader, placed in a baking dish. Bacon slices placed on karbonaderne so they cover

Salads Freshly ground pepper White balsamic vinegar Dijon mustard ...

Time: set of sausage, ham in a cold oven-set at 225 ° and FRY for about 20 mins. Advantage parma ham on the furnace grate. Style grate on a plate with wax paper and fry the ham in the middle of the oven. Got pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan and grate th

Pickling A handful of fresh thyme Sugar per litter juice Apples barely mature ...

Apples cut into quarters and boil with water and thyme, covered, 20 minutes. Let the juice drain. Measure the finished juice give it a rehash and sprinkle sugar in stirring. Cook 15-20 min. to the change color and fall into the cool drops from a spoon. Add

Mains Water Fresh pasta Oil ...

Sauté the beef thoroughly and set aside. Clean the gørnsagerne. Chop the cabbage, bell pepper and Leek. The small Champion mixed together with the rest of the vegetables. Pour 1 tablespoon oil into a sutepande and pour all the vegetables in and fry it for abou

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Duck breasts be in abundant salted water and brought to the boil. Creamed off thoroughly and småkoger approx. 1 hour. Duck breasts to cool in the bed sheet and put in the fridge for the next day. Next day remove fat from the top, (the fat is stored) and

Soups White wine to taste about 1 part Sitronskiver of ½ lemon Piece of whole cinnamon ...

Boil 1 part rice grits in 1 washed. ¾ l. water in barely an hour. Put therein a number (60 gr.) cleaned and flushed raisins, 1 piece of whole cinnamon, sitronskiver of ½ lemon and let all this cooking with grynene 15 to 30 minutes. Boost sa the soup and add th

Pickling Apples (like tangy) Sugar Lemons ...

all fruit is shared, only pumpkin peeled apples are shared and carpels taken out oranges and lemons must be organic when eaten with the skin. everything is run through the mincer. everything except. sugar boil approximately 40 my sugar is added and cooked 40 m

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Baking soda Olive oil ...

Mix the yeast with 0.5 dl of lukewarm water (37 g.). Mix all the ingredients and babies with mineral water for a firm and moist dough. Heves 2 multiplies. Portion dough into 8 and layer 1 cm thick items as you poke with fork to avoid air bubbles. FRY on hot