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Recipes with Water

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Eggs Comments ...

Kvark, egg, salt and bowl are stirred together. Add flour and baking soda and lightly knead the dough. The dough is divided into 30 pieces and shaped into buns, horns or trilled in long rods that twist. The plate is covered with baking paper or lubricated with

Porridge & gruel Salt Water Whole milk ...

The water is boiled and the rice is added. They boil in the water for a couple of minutes. The milk is added and the dish is boiled under stirring. The porridge boils approx. 1 hour after which it is seasoned with salt. tips: The advantage of boiling

Soups Whipped cream Rye bread. Dark Water ...

The bread is cut into cubes, soaked in the water and boiled for 20 minutes. It's all rubbed through a sieve. Add the beer and cook the soup approx. 10 min. It is flavored with sugar. The cream is whipped and served. tips: Beer bread can be frozen

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Yeast ...

Findel the yeast in the dough and pour it out with a little of the water, which must be absolutely cold. Add the rest of the water, yoghurt, salt, sugar and flour and stir the dough evenly. It is a pretty linden and can not be kneaded with your hands. Cover

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Water ...

The yeast is thrown out in the fingertip water. Oil, cream fry and eggs are added. The remaining parts are added and the dough is well kneaded, preferably on a machine. Add more durum if necessary. The dough is raised for approx. 45 min. The dough is thrown

Bread, buns & biscuits Hot water Brown sugar Salt ...

Whole wheat flour, water and yeast are stirred together in a bowl. Cover with a towel and hold for 2 hours. The margarine is melted and cooled a little. Margarine, salt, daffodil, wheat germ and wheat flour are served in the whole grain flour, and the dough

Mains Suit Salt Water ...

The beef cut is cut into the tern and browned on a hot forehead. Cook the meat tenderly covered with water about 45 minutes. (Remember to get salt in the water) Put the meat to the side when boiled. Save the cooking water. Arrow and chop the onions nicely.

Drinks (warm) Sweetener to taste, equivalent to approximately 25-50 g. sugar Cinnamon Whole cloves ...

The water is heated to the boiling point along with the spices. The drink draws about 5-10 minutes. Tebrevene is added and the toe is pulled for about 5 minutes. The drink is said, red wine is added and the drink is heated to boiling point. The drink is season