Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Boil the chicken in salted water. The boiled hen is divided into suitable pieces and kept warm in some of the soup. Melt the butter and add the flour. Stir it thoroughly together. Add soup slightly at a time while stirring in the pan. Sprinkle with whipped

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Cut the cabbage well and give it a boil in the water until it drops. Pour it into draining in a sieve. Chop onions and parsley well and knead all the ingredients together to the dough. Grease a flame dish and put half of the dough in it. Distribute the cabb

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut a slice of each pepper, where the stem has been sitting. Remove cores and partitions. Cut a very thin slice of the other end of the peppers, approx. 2 mm. So the fruit can stand. Sprinkle the chopped meat with egg, water, onions, crushed garlic, coarse

Cakes Floating sweet Nougat essence Salt ...

Whip water, flour and mayonnaise well together. Pour it into a small saucepan and whisk under a mild heat to a solid flour bowl. Take the pot off the heat. Stir the battered egg into the pulp, but only a little at a time. Add salt, liquid sauce and baking soda

Cakes Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cream puffs: Boil water and margarine. Remove the pot from the heat and seal the flour. Put it together until the dough releases the pot. Cool. Pour the dough into a stirring bowl and stir the egg in a little while, stir approx. 5 min. Spray the water trays i

Cakes Cocoa Salt Sugar ...

Before you start, weighed the flour and sifted, so it is completely loose and fine; The eggs turn up so they are ready in a small bowl; The baking sheet is lubricated with butter and sprinkled with man-made flour, rice flour or the like; The oven is switched o

Cakes Cayenne pepper Salt Unsalted butter ...

Cut the butter into the tern and put into a heavy pot with the water. Heat slowly until the butter melts and bring to a boil. Vip the flour quickly. Take the pot of heat and stir firmly with wood. As soon as the dough is smooth and begins to release the sides

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

The meat is browned in a saucepan on all sides, pouring water at half past the meat, the meat is small now about 1.5 - 2 hours until it is tender. The meat may hold the pot "without fire" for about 30 minutes, so you can cook the vegetables right now. Wh