Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Red pepper sauce: Start with the peppers: Cut each pepper in 4 pieces and behind them with the skin side up for approx. 10-15 min. At 200-220 degrees until the skin turns dark / black. Take them out, put them in a plastic bag and let them cool off. The skin c

Mains Blade silver praying, Savoy cabbage or large spinach leaves Lemon juice Garlic at will ...

sauce: Start here. Cut the chopsticks in fine tern and sauté them in a little oil in a saucepan. Add white wine, fish fund and some lemon juice and let it boil halfway. Add cream and boil again to 2/3 part. (Cooking tips: put 50 g. Cold butter in the sauce at

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cod fillet: Tip: Season the fillets with salt and a little pepper and cool them for 20 minutes. Before cooking. This gives a more firm meat structure and brings more flavor to the fish. Cut the cod in pieces and brush with egg white. The potatoes are cut into

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Place the salmon pieces on a plate of baking paper, sprinkle salt and pepper, cover the fish with baking paper and baking in the oven at 200 degrees C for approx. 20 minutes. Stir the butter with lemon juice and finely chopped estragon. Boil the sliced ​

Mains Egg white Tarragon Oil ...

Tip: Season the cod fillets with salt and a little pepper (or other herbs after your taste) and cool them for 20 minutes. Before cooking. This gives a more firm meat structure and brings more flavor to the fish. Baked onions: Start here. Take a dish and p

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Salmon-sliced ​​cutting: Spice the cutie fillets with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon into thin slices and put a layer on top of the fillets and roll it together. Put the rolls in a dish and add fond and white wine. Cover with foil and steam them in a hot ove

Mains Tarragon Pepper Salt ...

saithe: Cut the shredded egg into thin slices (similar to salmon). Put the slices in a refractory dish, season with salt and pepper and let it cool in a refrigerator for approx. 15 min. Sprinkle white wine on the slices, cover with stanniol and baked it in th

Mains Pepper Salt Sage fresh ...

Start with salvie butter: The butter should be soft, stir with finely sliced ​​sage leaves (about 5-10 pieces, size 2 crown), rasp, salt, pepper and possibly. Little garlic until it has a greenish color. root vegetables: The loaf is chopped, the root crops