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Recipes with Shallots

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Jævning Suit ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut free of heavy and cut into narrow strips that fry with the small pinned onion (buy the frozen if you are going to make it easy). When this is golden, put the chicken pieces with garlic cloves and the

Salads Wholemeal bread Pepper Salt ...

Dressing: Put the eggs in a pan of boiling water and boil them for 7-8 minutes. Then put the eggs in cold water so the boiling stops. Sprinkle the chopsticks well, chop the chopped onion and mix with rapeseed oil, vinegar and ramboks. Then chop the rams leaves

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Chervil Pepper ...

Brown the pork chop in rapeseed oil in a thickened pot. It is important that the pot is very hot, so the meat rises well before the other ingredients are added. Peel the shallots, halve them lengthwise and divide each half into 4 boats. Peel the celery and

Mains Suit Corn flour cornstarch Margarine ...

Brown the beef in the margarine, together with the scallops in a thick pot. Cut the peppers into strips, carrots in thin slices, (and mushrooms in half if they are fresh) and bring it to the saucepan. Leave it brown for approx. 4-5 min. Then bring the ch

Sauces Suit Pepper Salt ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the scallops and brown them. Add potato water (put in bullion i) and bring to boiling point. When boiling add Worcestershire sauce, bay leaves, strawberry jam and tomato puree. Add the cream now. Use sauce jams and suit

Appetizers Chili powder Cognac Fresh chopped parsley ...

Arrow the tails, but save the shells. Hummer Fund: The pilled shells, cloves, etc. are to be knocked with a meat hammer or the like, thus releasing the most flavor. Olive oil is added to a pan. Take a teaspoon of peppers. This is shaken in the oil. Then

Mains Cream of Leek/bacon mass Pepper Salt ...

The puppies are made to be cut and cut for about 1 cm thick. Peel the beef tenderloin while doing this. Let a pan be hot, the beef tenderloin is browned on all sides and cooled off. Bacon is on the forehead until they are half finished (about 10 min) and the

Sides Whipped cream Apple Shallots ...

- Boil the 4 beetroot with peel for about 30-40 minutes after which they are peeled. Beetroot compote - 2 of the beetroots cut into small even tern about 1 / 2X1 / 2 cm. (Save the remains of the beans to puree) - Honey and apple honey are placed on a fore