Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Mains Corn oil Pepper Salt ...

If the morkels are dried, they are soaked for approx. 2 hours in the port wine. If the morkels are fresh, they are cooked with the sauce. Heat corn oil on a pan, brown sirloin piece on all sides with good heat. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mea

Mains EVS. maizenamel Green pickled tomatoes White pepper ...

The chopped wild pork and teaspoon stir well together. The meat is divided into 200 g steaks. The steaks are baked on the pan in olive oil and cooked in the oven at 200 degrees C for 10-15 minutes. Skysauce: Scallops, onions and carrots are cut and sautéed

Sauces EVS. maizenamel White pepper Olive oil ...

Scallops, onions and carrots are cut and sautéed in oil. Add some red wine vinegar and red wine and let it reduce for a short while. Add the calf and cook up. The sauce is evenly peeled with corn stewed out in a little cold water. The sauce is seasoned with sa

Mains Fresh spruce needles (same amount as thyme) White pepper Garlic at will ...

The chopped wildflower fillet is browned in olive oil. Seasoned with salt and white pepper. Timian and fresh neighbors are brought to the blender and mixed with coarse salt. The browned fillet is rolled into the spice mixture and wrapped in a pork tenderloi

Sauces White pepper Olive oil Salt ...

Scallops, garlic and apples are cut into the tern and easily swirled in olive oil. Balsamic added. Then add red wine and calvados and the sauce is reduced slightly. Add calf skies and reduce further. The sauce is topped with cold butter and seasoned with salt

Mains Ben and hull from pheasants Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Marinade: Chop the mustots and mix with olive oil, white wine, wine grains and freshly ground peppers in a small dish that can even hold the pineapples. Turn the pineapples into marinade and spread them in the dish so they are covered with marinade, cool fo

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Butter Soup may ...

Cut the pineapples off, but leave the meat on the breastbone. Then divide the pheasant in the back, upper and lower thighs. Cut the meat from the ear and cut it into strips. Enrich the herbs for the fund. Cut the herbs roughly and brown in a thickened pot t

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Margarine Pepper ...

Cut the pineapples off, but leave the meat on the breastbone. Then divide the pheasant back, upper and lower thighs. Cut the meat from the ear and cut it into strips. Enrich the herbs for the fund. Cut the herbs roughly and brown in a thickened pot together