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Recipes with Shallots

Mains Wheat flour to pudring Olive oil (for frying) Pepper ...

The liver slices are sprinkled with flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. On a pan, the slices are lightly roasted in olive oil over low heat - 5 minutes on each side. The lemon slices are taken from the forehead and covered, and in the same oil the finely

Mains Pepper Salt Carrot ...

Remove the barriers from the liver. Turn the liver into salt and pepper mixed flour. Pil the onions and cut carrot and celery into small tern. Let butter and oil be warm on a forehead and brown liver on all sides. Take it up and put it in an ovenproof dish. Se

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little coarsely ground pepper Salt ...

Peel and chop onion and carrot into slices. Put them lightly on a pan and pour them into a large ovenproof dish. The veal meat is also browned on the forehead, then put it down to the vegetables. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. The pan is boiled with a lit

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Brown veal in butter until finished, pick it up. Pour the shallots and cut them into slices. Also brown them in the butter. Deglacer the forehead with a little white wine - a spoonful. Add two spoonfuls of dried grated goat cheese and stir well. Then cremefrai

Mains Baking paper A little oil Pepper ...

Tournedos: Kalvemørbraden is cut to 4 tournedos. Brush well on the forehead in a little oil. Continue on with moderate heat. About 4 minutes on each side. Pulling an additional 4-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. The bread is stretched to fit the size

Mains Pepper Salt Shallots ...

Bring the veal in a saucepan of unsalted cold water to cover it and let it boil. Take the meat, rinse it and put it in the pan with a new tap of water so it covers and add a little salt. Let it boil, foam and simmer the meat with the spice pad for approx. 3/4

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

On top of it, boil in cold water. When boiling, pour the water and flush the flesh in cold water. Put the meat over in new water and cook again. When boiling, foam and add salt. Boil the meat with bacon, laurel, thyme and garlic until it is almost tender. It i

Mains Lemon, the juice of which Dill White wine-vinegar ...

Stir of the calf fillet: Turn the oven to 150 degrees C. alm. oven. Peel the fat edge of the fillet into the tern and brown the fillet on a golden fat pan. Season with salt and pepper and put the fillet in the oven in a fireproof dish of appropriate size. The