Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Shallots

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Beef cut into very big tern. Stir in olive oil until it is well brown, season with salt and pepper. Add red wine, to be cooked almost completely, then vinegar and bouillion will last for a few minutes. The mixture is poured into frying pan or refractory dish.

Mains Olive oil Fish sauce Coconut milk ...

Chop or grate onion, garlic and ginger. The chicken breasts are shredded. Heat the olive oil into a thickened pot. Onions, garlic and ginger are sautéed and the chicken is added. Warm it shortly before coconut milk is poured. Add fish sauce, turn to mediu

Sauces Fresh tarragon Fresh Chervil Freshly ground white or black pepper ...

Start melting the butter in a saucepan, with low heat. It must not take color and turn brown. Chop the estragon and chop so you have a good little handful overall. Chop the chopsticks very well. Put a ketchup and pour egg, water and white wine vinegar i

Appetizers "grated parmesan White pepper Salt ...

Heat the chicken brothel Chop the 4 onions Melt 30 gr. Butter came onions Add the rice pipe until they melt in butter. Add white wine. Pour hot broth on, gradually. Add saffron. Take the pot off the heat. Tear a good handful of parmesan and come into t

Mains Cashew nuts Ginger (totally ok if it is in powder form) Mug parsley ...

Peel all the root vegetables first and chop them roughly. Then chop the pears and chili as well as onion, garlic and crushed pot and put it all in a saucepan. Fill the pot with water until all the root crops are covered and set to boil. Depending on how rough

Mains A few sprigs fresh thyme (or a little dried) Pepper Red wine or knorr Fund (veal or chicken on bottle) ...

Clean the meat for fat, tendons and barriers and cut it out into the tern Clean the field champignon with a brush and a knife and remove the bottom of the stick Chop the chopsticks roughly Peel celery and carrots (or other root crops) and cut them int

Mains 1 tsp. honey Becel for frying A few sprigs fresh thyme (or a little dried) ...

Carefully clean the crown tenderloin with fat and barley, season with salt and pepper and let it rest at room temperature until ready for the roast Carefully clean the scallops for soil with a small knife and brush and cut the bottom of the stick. Avoid cle

Lunch Cognac Capers Paprika ...

The meat is scrapped (possibly chopped) and mixed with salt, pepper, worchestersauce and cognac. Arrange on the plate and decorate with chopped shallots, capers and horseradish and egg yolk in shell. The second is spent underneath. Can also be included. Sprink