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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Aubegine (cut small) ...

It all comes in a pan, along with the chicken thighs. It is covered with water and a little salt and pepper where it is boiled for 45 minutes. The frying pan is lubricated with a little olive oil and filled with "rice", so the filling is put inwards and then

Appetizers Flat-leaf parsley Lemon juice Olive oil ...

Rub the salmon on the meat side with a mixture of salt and sugar. Leave it cool for at least 12 hours, - preferably a day. Place the eggplant in the oven as it is and behind it at 200 degrees approx. 40 minutes until the skull turns black and the meat feels

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in neutrally flavoring oil in a deep saucepan. Chop the onions and cut the carrots into slices. When the meat is browned add onions and carrots. Let the onions become golden and then add the snap and the coffee. Allow the alcohol to evaporate a

Mains Pepper Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Give them a small boil for approx. 10 min. Pick them up and drop them off. Mix the chopped beef with chopped honey. Onion and crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Spread the dad into the bottom of a pan

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Oil Pepper ...

Heat oil in a large pot. Bring the little meatloaf well together with the bacon nuts. Add salt, pepper, hk. Onions, mushrooms in slices, peppers in small tern. Let the dish simmer approx. 5-10 min such. Then add water and the hp. tomatoes. Now the court mus

Mains Pepper Good pesto (from glass) Minced parsley ...

Cut the tenderloin into suitable steaks (thickness equivalent to the width of a slice of bacon). Wrap the bacon around and put the steaks in a refractory dish. Join the pepper on. Place the dish in the oven v. 250 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Whip whipped cream

Mains A little cocktail sausage Pepper Garnish top with fresh parsley, if desired ...

Grease brunes in a thick pot. Karry is added and browned to the smoker easily. Add the peppers and just after the finely chopped onions. When the onions are almost tender, flour is added. - It's well baked. Add so hot milk and bake it all up, so it achieves

Mains Pepper Salt Fund (calf or poultry) ...

Set the oven to 125 degrees. Scratch the duck breast on the skinside. Season with salt and pepper and put the meat on a dry forehead side down for 3 minutes. Turn it over and flush it 2 minutes on the meat side. Stir the meat in the oven for approx. 25 - 30 mi