Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Roast chicken: Dip the chicken and remove if necessary. Fat and leftovers of ingots inside the chicken. Rinse the parsley, remove the stalks and fill the parsley in the chicken. Melt the fat into a large roast pot and brown the chicken well on all sides. Sea

Mains Pepper Salt Dill ...

Cut the salmon in a row about 1x1 cm. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Take a saucepan and melt the margarine. Add flour, milk boil and then add the cheese. If the consistency is too thick, water may be added. Then add chopped dill,

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme or other fresh herbs ...

Form 4-6 steaks and season them with VERY chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Bank the steaks with a meat hammer and put bacon around the steak. Step them for about 7-8 min. on every side. Bon apetit! good luck! tips: Bon appetite!

Mains Lasagne sheets A little oregano Margarine ...

Rose bacon terns crispy. Season the beef and onions in a pan with the margarine until the meat has changed color. Bring the hk tomatoes, tomato sauce, grated carrots, red wine, bacon tern and fry the bacon in the pan with the meat. Bring salt and pepper in. Le

Salads Balsamic vinegar Pepper Salad-cheese ...

Cut the melon so that they are about 3-4 cm in slide. Put it in a dish. Take the baby salad and sprinkle it easily over the melon. Then sprinkle the salad cheese and balsamico over it Taste with salt and pepper

Mains Margarine Paprika Pepper ...

Beat the beef strips and onions in the margarine. Pour water so it just covers the meat, and simmer for an hour. Mushroom and cut them out in half. Rose the bacon crispy. When the meat has got an hour, pour the bacon greasy from the pan over to the meat and

Mains Pasta (you may even judge it) Pepper Salt ...

Pasta: cook the pasta The meat oats: Step until they are ready put the meat until they are done put all the tomato paste in and stir. Add the water and taste with salt and pebbles

Mains Margarine for frying Paprika edelsuss Pepper ...

Greek meatballs: Food processor can be used with advantage: chop onion, garlic and parsley fine. Bring the chopped meat together with flour, water, salt and pepper. Fingers are well mixed together and shaped into frying panes, which are cooked with medium hea