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Recipes with Pepper

Mains 1 clove (remove before serving) 3 tbsp. Cognac Pepper ...

Step bacon in the olive oil. When the bacon is about to finish, add the beef. When the meat is brown all over it is added cognac and the alcohol lamps ignite with a match. Let onions and peppers roast briefly. Add beef fennel boulion snaps carnal laurel leaves

Mains Cayenne pepper Chilli powder Dijon mustard ...

Mix the rasp, flour, cayenne pepper or chilli, salt and pepper in a bowl. Whip eggs in another bowl. Take the chicken wings and turn them into the rasp and then the eggs, up to 3 times or as needed. Bring the chicken into the hot oil and let them roast

Dressing Lemon juice Sour cream Pepper ...

Creme Fraichen is flavored with lemon juice, salt and pepper as desired. tips: Fits very well with cold pasta sauces. Is fun and easy to go on a picnic.

Mains Pepper Salt Apple, diced ...

Cook the rice for 10 minutes. Drop them well. Warm the oil in a saucepan Season the peppers and onions until they are soft. Stir the tub and beat it for 2 minutes. Then stir peanuts apple sugar and pepper in. Bring it to boil and stir well. Mix rice and

Mains Pepper Salt Small new potatoes ...

Rinse and dry the plaice and place in a large or 2 smaller pans, which are greased well with some of the butter. Cut or chop dill and parsley roughly. Arrow and heel loosened. Distribute dill, parsley and chopped onions over the plaice. Season with salt and pe

Soups Pepper Salt Oil ...

1. Cut the onion and garlic. 2. Step them golden in oil. 3. Mix the onions with tomato salt pepper and peppers. 4. Add water to boil for 20 minutes

Mains Flutes Paprika Pepper ...

Bring the meat in a saucepan and pour water so it is just covered. Bring in boil, foam and add salt. Let it boil approx. 45 minutes. Cut over the peeled potatoes in big tern. Free the peppers for seeds and seeds and cut them into big terns. Flake the tomato

Mains Flutes Pepper Parsley ...

Cut the veal into strips. Peel the carrots and cut them and half the fennel into slices. Melt butter and oil golden and grate meat and vegetables in it. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and add cream and cream fraiche. Season with salt and pepper and let the dish