Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Basil The vegetables from the boiling of fish You can add about 1 glass of white wine, if you feel like it ...

Rasmus Fish. The whole is boiled until the fish is tender and the fish is picked up and packed in foil. The wheat is poured and boiled with whipped cream. Rasmus potato salad. The potatoes are cut into slices and all mixed. tips: Serve with a g

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Whale flour and milk are whipped to a leveling. Salt and egg are whipped in. Be careful of thin pancakes on a pan. Add a little fat before each new pancake. Keep the pancakes warm, eg. Between two plates or in the oven at 100 degrees. Meat and onion are exc

Sides A splash of soy sauce EVS. a little grated peel from a usprøjtet Orange Pepper ...

Chop the chickpeas for a minimum of 12 hours. Pour the water and rinse them thoroughly. Bring them to a pot and cover them with fresh water (NEVER use it as soft as i) Boil for approx. 3 hours. Add more water if it boils off, the peas should be covered at

Mains Vinegar A large lump of lean beef Wheat flour ...

The steps are covered with vinegar and pull for 10-14 hours. Rinse the steps in water, season with salt and pepper and brown in margarine, cover with water and boil for 1½ to 2 hours. The steps are taken up and the water is brought to a good thick sauce.

Mains Coarse salt Oil Pepper ...

Half the aubergines alongside. Clean the shells. Cut the eggplant meat into cubes and sprinkle the skins inside with salt. Let them pull while you make the fill. Season meat, onions and garlic in oil. Add the aubergines, carved tomatoes, tomato puree, orega

Mains EVS. 0.5 happy port wine Fresh or dried Sage Pepper ...

Sprinkle the hamburgers into thin slices. Cut bacon into cubes. Clean and chop the mushrooms. Put bacon and mushroom in a little butter. Add parsley and sage. Distribute the fill of half of each hamchnitzel. Fold the other half over and sew or gather the meat

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Cut the meat into fine strips and wrap it on all sides in butter and oil in a saucepan. Put it in an ovenproof dish. Cut the vegetables into strips and season them a little at a time and put them over the meat in the dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put th

Soups Pepper Salt Chopped dill ...

Carrots, potatoes and leeks are cleansed and cut into smaller pieces. The pears are put in the hot oil on the frying pan and sauteed without getting color. Garlic is added and sautéed for approx. 1 min. Then the frying pan is removed. 1½ liter bouillion is hea