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Recipes with Pepper

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

The oven is heated to 200 degrees. The phasan is divided into 8 pieces, turned into flour and browned in butter. Put the pieces in an ovenproof dish. The onions are chopped well and swirled in oil. Add curry, salt and pepper and spoon with water. Bulbs with li

Mains Egg for brushing EVS. quite a bit of sugar Pepper ...

Possibly. Hamper the meat and cut the fillet for at least 3 hours in the whipped marinade. The meat is taken up, wiped and browned in a saucepan of butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast slightly under lid, 20 min. For deer, approx. 35-40 min. For

Mains Jævning A little ginger, only ¼ tskf Pepper ...

The wild ducklings dare up and the heart and liver rinse like the birds, which are then wiped and rubbed and inside with salt, pepper and ginger. The apples are distributed to both, peeled and chopped out, stuffed in the birds and closed with cotton nuts or

Mains Bouillon cubes Meljævning Pepper ...

The other is lightly rubbed with salt and pepper in a frying pan and rubbed here with fine shells of the oranges and around the other poured cold water. Put in a hot oven at 225 degrees and when the water bubbles, turn down to 200 degrees and always on the bot

Sides Clip Green Cut vegetables such as parsley or dill Crushed garlic or horseradish ...

Butter is stirred softly and mixed with French mustard, crushed garlic or grated horseradish, and very clipped green Served topped on tomato slices. Alm. Green salad can also be served and can be mixed with slices of cooked potatoes and dressing. Also gi

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Margarine Pepper ...

Cut the pineapples off, but leave the meat on the breastbone. Then divide the pheasant back, upper and lower thighs. Cut the meat from the ear and cut it into strips. Enrich the herbs for the fund. Cut the herbs roughly and brown in a thickened pot together

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Rub the pheasants with salt and pepper and brown them quickly on the forehead in half of the butter and pick them up. Peel the apples and remove the core. Slice them into thin boats and pour them golden on the forehead in the rest of the butter. The appl

Mains A little pepper Pepper Salt ...

The cleaned chicken is wiped and rubbed and inside with salt and pepper. Place the chicken on the grill tip in the oven or outdoor grill. The oven must be set to 200 degrees C and be hot. The chicken is brushed with marinade several times during the roastin