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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Suit Salt Boiling water ...

The heart and liver pieces are rinsed, dried and covered with boiling water added salt. Fill the boil tenderly under the lid. The soup is said from. Fry the meat on a tray or grind through the meat machine and cook again in the soup. Peeled, chopped apples

Mains Green grapes Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 ...

The calf fillet is split lengthwise and then cut into 8 small chops, knocked, baked in fat, seasoned and fry. The warm soup is added to the house blast, done and sliced, after which 8 flat beans are covered in the bottom with 1 tablespoon. soup. When this is s

Cold cuts Hard boiled eggs Sweet mustard Sausage, herring ...

Spegesilden flies, cut into fillets, freeze for bones and chopped fine. Potatoes, beetroot and asia are chopped a bit coarser than the herring. The apples are torn on the raw iron. Everything is mixed with a fork and seasoned with spices. The salad is decorate

Cold cuts Cress Sugar Apple ...

Flourskum is flavored with beetroot vinegar and spices. The filling is cut into fine strips, mixed and turned gently into the whipped cream. The salad is adorned by the carnation.

Cold cuts Pepper Beet root vinegar Salt ...

It is all run through the meat machine and seasoned with the spices. Let the salad stand for a few hours and then taste it again. This salad can be made in good time and freeze.

Salads Apple Oil monini Mustard powder ...

Butter / margarine, flour, beetroot and soup bake together, season with spices and cool. The filling is cut into strips and stirred in. The salad draws 1 / 2-1 hours, spreads and blends with a little oil.

Mains Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 Salt ...

Mix the butter with salt, lemon juice, mustard, crushed garlic and chopped parsley. It's a good idea to touch the spice butter in a timely manner, so it's time to extract flavors from the spices. The bulbs are boiled and boiled in leachate water for approx. 10

Mains Good olive oil from spray Pepper Salt ...

The chicken fillets are sprinkled with salt and pepper and roasted on a barbecue pan approx. 3 4 minutes on each side. Finally, spray with oil, making them very delicious. Salad: Shells and sticks are removed from the ananase and the cutters in spell. The