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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Roll the batter after the instructions on the package and put it in a pie shape - the dough must hang slightly above the edge. Peel the bottom with a fork and simmer for 10 minutes at 200 °. Arrow and chop onions. Put them in oil and add spinach. Allow it t

Mains Fresh mint Pepper Honey ...

The stewed meat is rubbed with mint. Heat a fry with olive oil and brown stews on all sides. Add white wine and turn down, let the steps simmer for approx. 1 hour until the center temperature is 65-70 degrees C Take it up and let it rest covered. Heat the c

Mains Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the toast into small pieces and soften it with the cream. Peel the vegetables, slice them into small cubes and mix them in the toast / cream mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Put this mixture under the skin of the breasts and place these in each coc

Sides Pasta Pepper Salt ...

Boil the pasta in plenty of water with salt and a little oil. Cut vegetables into small pieces in a slant. When the pasta is ready pour the water and add the cream and vegetables. Boil until the cream thickens and season with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Breadcrumbs ...

Melt the grease to the dough in a thickened pot, stir the flour and sprinkle with milk (cream) while stirring. Cook sauce some min. By low heat. Take the pot off the heat. Season with salt and pepper. Let the sauce swell a little, but stir occasionally so that

Sauces Pepper Reven should of 1 lime fruit Cane sugar or regular sugar as you like ...

Bring white wine and white wine vinegar into a pan and cook it down to 2/3. Add the finely chopped onion and cook the sauce down to under half. Add whipped cream, the spoon must of lime and chopped garlic, and cook some too. Just before serving, whip the bu

Salads Lemon juice (lime juice) Fresh mint Olive oil ...

Boil 1 kg. Whole beetroot butter in salted water (about 25-30 minutes). Pil the beetroot, cut them into the tern, and marinate them in dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, (possibly lime juice), salt and pepper. Turn the salad with fresh mint. Good as a s

Sides Olive oil Pepper Beetroot ...

Peel and shred the raw beans for approx. ½ cm. Thick slices. Step the slices golden in olive oil on both sides. Not too high heat. Season with salt and pepper. Use the fried beetroot as an accessory and turn a little green or crisp before serving.