Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Madkulør Pepper Salt ...

Strudsestegen, which is laced with bacon, is browned on the forehead all over the place. Take the steps of the pan and place it in a pan. The sauce: The butter is melted in a saucepan and the flour is stirred in. The milk is stirred together with Danablu,

Soups Fish balls Pepper Salt ...

A basal soup is cooked on the calf bone. Hornfish are made. The best of the pieces are twisted together two and two with supper between them. The rest of the fish, including the halves, is made for buns that are going on the soup. (Ready-to-use fishballs can b

Lunch Eggs Brie or camembert Puff pastry ...

The whole blend, seasoned and cremefraiche is whipped up - reasonably thick. It is lubricated on the cheese that is placed on the batter, brushed with egg, closed, brushed and baked. Serve with creamy ribs, or other fruit.

Mains A little oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is marinated in 1 dl white wine for approx. ½ hour. Take off the marinade, brown in a saucepan and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add marinade, estragon and lemon juice. The meat simmer with low heat until the center temperature is 65 degrees C The

Sauces Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

In a small pot, Timian, white wine, garlic, mustard onion, bay leaf and lemon juice, boil between heat until sauce is reduced by 1/3 about 15 minutes. Add the whipped cream and cook the sauce until it is reduced to half, stir the sauce whole time. Add the butt

Mains Asparagus potatoes EVS. suit Pepper ...

Potatoes are boiled. Vegetables are peeled and ordered. Blend separately and put in layers in a greased casserole or in a serving form. (Broccoli, leek, carrot). Cream 13%, egg and salt / pepper whipped together and pour gently over the vegetables. Bake in

Mains Cooked pasta Onion Oregano ...

Pasta boils "al dente". Onions are cut into the tern and are swirled in a saucepan. The tomatoes are added together with the spices. Bacon cut into the tern and fry on the forehead until it is crispy. Bacon, sauce and pasta mixed. The dish is serve

Mains Pepper Salt Cremfraice ...

Mix mayonaice, cremfraice. Mix the crab meat, the chopped cucumbers, tomatoes and chopped eggs in it, as well as half the cheese, salt, pepper and the 2 tablespoons. rasp. Spread the crab in 4 crabs (or in refractory bowls). Sprinkle with the rest of the ch