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Recipes with Pepper

Mains A little oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown ham stew in oil, season with salt and pepper. Grab it into Parmaskinken. Slice the sage of sage under the Parmaskink and set the ladder in the oven at 180 ° C for 1 hour. Let the steps take 15 minutes. Covered before cutting. Asparagus, broccoli and

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the inner thigh and rub it with coarse salt, pepper and curry. The apples are peeled, cut and cut into smaller pieces and put into a pan with water and onions cut into smaller boats. Put the inner thigh on it and put it all in the oven approx. 2 hour

Mains A little white wine vinegar or white balsamic vinegar Olive oil Pepper ...

A "pocket" is cut in the middle of the inner thigh. Filled cream cheese stirred with herbs and sun dried tomatoes. Close if possible "Pocket" with a pinch. Put the oven in the oven at 225 degrees C for 10 minutes. Turn down to 180 degrees C and step further fo

Mains Chopped herbs Pepper 1/2 juice of lemon ...

Note: The recipe must start the day before it is served. Ingredients for marinade are mixed; Soya, english sauce, tabasco, garlic, salt & amp; Pepper and sugar. Put the hammer liner in place and let it marinate for a day in the refrigerator. The meat is often

Mains Pepper Salt Shared onion ...

Chop, parsley, rosemary and sage. Peel the gingerbread well and mix it with the herbs. Wipe the fat on a board. Fold the spice mixture into the meat, put it on the grid and season with salt and pepper. Grab the net about the meat so it is completely covered an

Mains Hazelnut flakes Pepper Salt ...

Step the steaks a few min. On each side and let rest wrapped in stanniol. Sauce (can be made in advance): Cook the orange juice down to 1/3, add cream and cook with mild heat to the cream. Add broth and season with salt and pepper. The fruit salad is ma

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Season the onions in butter and turn into mushrooms. Take off the forehead. Brown the meat well on the forehead and season with salt and pepper. The meat is taken off the forehead. Pour onions and mushrooms on the forehead, add white wine and boil the mixtu

Mains Bouillon to svitsning Paprika Pepper ...

Cut onion and squash into thin slices and sweat both pieces into broth without coloring. Add liver strips (which are watered in cold water for about 10 minutes.) And stir well until lightly fried. Sprinkle the spices and flour over the dish, stir well for a