Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Soups Pepper Salt Chili powder ...

Blend it all except chives and cream fraiche and cool. Serve with chives and cream fraiche

Soups Bacon, diced Pepper Salt ...

The loop is chopped. Potatoes and carrots are made. Bacon is shaken in a pan until it is crisp and then it is taken up. The bacon is sliced ​​in the bacon grease and at the same time cut potatoes and carrots in the tern and come into the pan. Tomatoes and brot

Mains Suit Pepper Whipped cream ...

Pudding the sirloins, that is, remove all obstacles and tendons. Cut the chopped sirloin for approx. 2½ cm thick slices on the slant and push them lightly with your hand. Roll the onions and cut them into thin slices. Brown the fat on a pan, put the onion f

Mains Curry Comments Mild paprika ...

Chop the cabbage leaves and cook them lightly. Heat the oil on a pan and brown stew. Mix the garlic and onion and boil for approx. 5 min. Season with salt, pepper, curry, mild peppers and fried nutmeg. Add the water and ½ broth and bring it lightly into the

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh thyme ...

Peel the tenderloin and chop it into 8 slices. Pull them lightly with the palm of the hand and brown them on both sides of the butter. Put them in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Bring the pepper and onions in the rest of the ro

Mains Pepper Salt Grated lemon rind ...

Wheat tomatoes are slightly lent in the oven and then placed on 4 large plates. Steaks, avocado and red onions are cut into slices and distributed on the tortilla. Sprinkle the steaks with salt and pepper and fry for a couple of minutes on each side.

Mains Dijon mustard Pepper Salt ...

The loaf is chopped and the pears cut into slices. Bring it all on the forehead in a little butter and put it in a refractory dish. The mildew is cleansed for seniors and cut out for approx. 2-3 cm thick steaks. A piece of bacon wraps around each steak and

Mains Orange both by 2 appelsinner A little fresh thyme A little oil ...

Cut the bread in 4 pieces and cut a cut in the middle of each, so that it can be opened. Spice the meat inside and out with salt and pepper. Heat the onions on a dry forehead. Stir the mustard together with the sliced ​​olives and let it shake lightly for 2