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Recipes with Chives

Salads A couple of cooked carrots A couple of slices of ham or tuna Cooked peas ...

Put Hytteosten, mayonnaise (at will and taste), salt and pepper and chives in a bowl, stir together well ... Cut the carrots, ham in small fine pieces ... the eggs can pinch first one way and then the other way through a æggepræsser ... put it and the peas dow

Lunch Pepper Chives Salt ...

Boil the eggs for "smiling eggs" (6-7 min). Calculate 1 -2 eggs per person. Melt the butter in a pan, came the flour in with the boiling decoctions and milk. Add salt, pepper + half of mustard and let the sauce Cook through. Season to taste with more mustard.

Dressing Chives Sour cream 18% or 9% Knor aromat or salt to taste ...

mix in the sour cream with chives salt or clip aromat. Tips: can be served with boiled potatoes or use as a dressing on alm salad or pasta salad

Salads Salt Parsley Chives ...

the potatoes are boiled and peeled, allow to cool and then cut into cubes or slices. the apples are cut free from seeds and cut into cubes. chives cut and chop chop and mix in the sour cream add salt to taste. flip the potatoes and apples in the dressing and s

Mains Cucumber Good with bacon Garlic ...

Rose banon brittle, but at low heat so the fat does not burn on. Beat the eggs well and put salt, pepper and milk and cream in. chop the remaining vegetables finely and mix them in a bowl, style it in the refrigerator so it is well chilled. When the last

Soups Nutmeg Pepper (from the mill) Chives ...

Day in advance Grate toastbrød dice in (obviously) butter – put them on a paper towel. Rinse and clean the vegetables gently fry them with 1 tablespoon of butter and add the flour add 1 dl wine and let it boil Fund quiet for 40 minutes, blend, and let it ru

Mains Dill Pepper Chives ...

The chicken: come kryderkvistene in øldåserne butter chickens exterior and interior with oil sprinkle well with salt and freshly ground pepper. Mount the chickens on the cans set them in the barbecue at 200 degrees. Time approx. 1 hour per kg each chicken weig

Salads Pepper Salt Cane sugar ...

Potatoes scrubbed/cleaned and cooked so they are still fixed-cut into both. Cucumber halves, udstenes and cut into thin slices. Radishes are cleaned and cut into slices. Chives cut fine. Reversed with smoking cheese cream and possibly. Garnish with chives a