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Recipes with Chives

Breakfast & brunch Chives Eggs Large tomatoes ...

Load the 8-10 pieces of bacon in the pan until golden brown Load the 8-10 Bacon pieces on a platter, Slice some tomatoes off and put them on the forehead of max 1 minute Put the tomatoes on the plate Make scrambled eggs and put them on the plate also Cut c

Breakfast & brunch Chives Eggs Large tomatoes ...

Put bacon'ne on the forehead until they are Golden Brown. Put Your bacon on a plate And cut the tomatoes into slices put them in the Pan and fry them in max 1 min Then you make scrambled eggs out of the 4 eggs And cuts some chives on top it all Bon Appet

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Onion ...

1: getting the ham in the blænderen and blændt it and it came in a bowl. 2: cut the bell pepper and onion into small pieces and got it in the bowl. 3: cut purløgen and it came in conjunction with mayonaisen. 4: to taste with salt and pepper. 5: get

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Clean the chicken and Boil it in water for about 1 hour 20 min Add a little salt Potatoes, peeled, cooked approximately 25 min Blame the cucumber, cut it into cubes pour into a bowl Sour cream sauce Sour cream is poured into a bowl A little salt a

Salads Pepper Salt Cup crème fraîche (18% FAT) ...

Getting water in a pan and add the salt. Please wait to water cooker and put the pasta in. (remember to turn down the heat) Cook the pasta finished. Pour the cooked up in a sieve or colander so that the water can run off. Then pour the pasta in a bowl an

Mains Pepper Salt Corn starch ...

1. cook spaghetti until tender on the instructions on the package. drain, let it drip and pour it with cold water. 2. cut the sausages into thin slices and finely chop the onion. 3. grill the sausages in a pan and gently fry the onions came by for a further

Soups Chives Salt Black pepper ...

Arrow the onions and cut them into slices. Rinse and clean the leeks and carrots and cut them into thin slices. Melt the fat in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Saute the onion and leeks for about 5 minutes, stirring. Mix carrots and parsley in. Add the garlic, ma

Salads Dill Pepper Salt ...

Cut the potatoes into thin slices. Mayonnaisen pipes up with curdled milk or sour cream. Chop or cut the herbs very fine and add to the mayonnaisen. Season with Béarnaise essence, salt and pepper. Turn potato slices into the dressing and the salad came in a