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Recipes with Chives

Dressing Bacon, diced Chives Creme fraich ...

good creme fraish over in a bowl. Clip purløgen into small pieces. Fry the bacon in the Pan, let all fattened drain away. season with salt and pepper. can be used for baked potato and salad. It is just the world's best hjmmelavet dressing ... try it, it is e

Salads White pepper Salt Salad cucumber ...

Rinse the lettuce leaves and let them drain. Grate them into smaller pieces. Rinse the cucumber and tomatoes and cut them into slices. Mix everything in a salad bowl. Part peberen. Remove kærnerne and cut it into strips. Rinse the radishes and cut them into t

Lunch Lemon White bread Cottage cheese ...

Mix cottage cheese, parsley, chives and red onion in a bowl, how much is a smagsag. Came the salmon on bread, derfeter little cintron juice and finally hytteosten. Tips: It is fast, easy, and incredibly delicious:) Good pleasure.

Sauces Dill Parsley Chives ...

White wine and shallots cooked down to ca. 1/3. Gently melt the butter in it, don't get up and cook. The chopped herbs (about 2 cups) reversed in.

Soups Cream Freshly ground pepper Chopped leeks ...

Finally garnish the soup with a spoonful of chives cream. Chop the parsley coarsely. Stems can also be used in the soup. Melt the butter in a saucepan and saute the parsley and leeks without Browning. Add a few potato cubes and chicken stock and simmer. Chop f

Mains Bread Freshly ground pepper Chives ...

Wash the peppers. Cut around with the stem and remove it together with the seeds. Rinse the peppers inside with water. Style them in a baking dish. make the filling: cut the onion into small cubes. mix onion with peeled tomatoes, rice, pine nuts and olive o

Mains Roasted pine nuts Red onion Chives ...

cut the potatoes into pieces and cook them for about 20 minutes. Fault ruccolaen and similar to it in a bowl. Cut the vegetables and then came in the bowl. And finally, pine kernel. When there is ca. 10 min. back of potatoes cooking time, fry the chicken fille

Salads Lemon juice Olive oil Pepper ...

the beans are boiled briefly, so they still have teeth, onto of and allow to cool. The rest are chopped in blender, mix with oil, lemon, salt and pepper. Mix with the beans that are cut into smaller pieces 2-3 cm. Put on ice for it to be used. Can be made seve